Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179661-179680 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220microformat_generatorTemplates for using Microformats in your HAML-powered app.
97,7220sparqcode-waz-storageA simple implementation of Windows Azure Storage API for Ruby, inspired by the S3 gems ...
97,7220source_map-jsminThis is a hacked about version of Ryan Grove's original Ruby port of jsmin that addssup...
97,7220invoiceSimple .pdf invoice generator for Croatia
97,7220standard_exceptionsThere is great benefit in adopting a standard library of exceptions. Projects and libra...
97,7220ssmdSpeech Synthesis Markdown (SSMD) is an lightweight alternative syntax for SSML and the ...
97,7220star_wars_finderUsing an API to collect character data you will be able to seach for a Star Wars charac...
97,7220spud_bannersSpud Banners allows you to create and maintain sets of rotating banners for use on your...
97,7220sslrequirementSSL requirement adds a declarative way of specifying that certain actions should only b...
97,7220spree_retailersSpree Retailers is a Spree extension for listing your company's retail stores on your w...
97,7220simple_jobContains libraries that support defining, queueing, and executing jobs.
97,7220spreadsheet_to_jsonA gem to help you convert your google spreadsheet data to json forma...
97,7220spire-git-pivotal-trackerProvides a set of additional Git commands to help developers when working with Pivotal ...
97,7220rules_engine_templatesRuby Rails Rules Engine Framework : R3EF
97,7220moxiesoft-jammitJammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...
97,7220cgcg is A Ruby based contents generator
97,7220spree_product_based_calculatorcalculates shipping rate based on a product’s shipping_rate property or a default value
97,7220intouch-gdata4rubyA full featured wrapper for interacting with the base Google Data API, including authen...
97,7220sportdb-logossportdb-logos gem - sports team logos (24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64) bundled for reuse w/...
97,7220sprockets-illusionistTranspile your ES6 files into ES5 using the Illusionist node module and Sprockets