Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179701-179720 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220stelling_banjosThis gem displays banjos for sale on elderly.com and provides the user with additional ...
97,7220strong_parameters_dslProvides a light DSL for defining strong parameters in Rails controllers
97,7220stateful_controllerA StatefulController for Rails that uses a state machine to manage transitions between ...
97,7220tmpDSL for temporally files read/write in the object oriented way (system tmp). Manage tmp...
97,7220static-structAn OpenStruct-like library but with the static-like behavior. ...
97,7220stax-prefectStax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.
97,7220stickshiftStickshift is a simple, manual-instrumenting call-tree profiler in as few lines of code...
97,7220store_base_sti_class_for_3_1ActiveRecord has always stored the base class in polymorphic _type columns when using S...
97,7220check_escheck values from a es server
97,7220strava-apiStrava (http://www.strava.com/) allows access to it's data via a JSON api. This gem wr...
97,7220openid_couch_rest_model_storeA CouchRestModel store for OpenID, forked from a very similar ActiveRecord store writte...
97,7220contriveCook up anything, any way you like
97,7220string_extendThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
97,7220benhello world
97,7220timezone_fieldStores timezones as standard TZInfo identifiers and handles conversion to/from Rails-fr...
97,7220super_simple_adminProvides super simple authentication al a Ryan Bates old screen cast. Creates admin acc...
97,7220symcalcSymCalc adds symbolic mathematics and calculus to your code. Create, evaluate and diffe...
97,7220svoop-autotest-growlThis gem aims to improve support for Growl notification by ZenTest's autotest. It comes...
97,7220netguru-devPlaceholer gem for netguru deployment package.
97,7220syslog_multiline_logTags each line in a multiline log with numbers