Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179681-179700 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220sprout-as3youtubelib-src-libraryThe YouTube API provides an ActionScript 3.0 interface to search videos from YouTube.
97,7220square-arelArel is a Relational Algebra for Ruby. It 1) simplifies the generation complex of SQL q...
97,7220roastedRoasted is a simple bootstrapping library to install all necessary applications and...
97,7220sabnzbdRuby wrapper for the sabnzbd api. This gem can be used to gather status and download in...
97,7220tor_extendThis library extends Bendiken's tor-ruby [https://github.com/bendiken/tor-ruby], and pr...
97,7220spreadsheet-marticaAs of version 0.6.0, only Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheets are supported
97,7220unit_validationValidate that a column is a valid unit of measurement
97,7220stocktrackerQueries Yahoo Finance for Quotes from current and past. Uses Redis to cache results fo...
97,7220mongoid_followablePlease refer to http://rubygems.org/gems/mongo_followable for latest versions
97,7220stringrayCombining many of the benefits of Arrays and Strings, StringRay allows you to treat a S...
97,7220cloudfoundry-jquery-railsThis gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Rails 3 application.
97,7220noids_clientProvides an idiomatic interface to the REST API of a noids server (see https://github.c...
97,7220stream_samplerAdds scopes to ActiveRecord to allow for biased and weighted random sampling from a query.
97,7220svenaas-will_paginateThe will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for pagina...
97,7220status_enumeratorThis class provides an enumeration function to have the object which I added tree infor...
97,7220sequel_oracle_extensionsOracle extensions for Sequel, including MERGE statements, optimizer hints, and schema e...
97,7220stateless-systems-image_scienceImageScience is a clean and happy Ruby library that generates thumbnails -- and kicks t...
97,7220stop_itMiddleware for blocking requests to rake apps based on user agent, remote IP, and o...
97,7220batchesBatches.do(cocurrence, entities, &block)
97,7220statify_modelEnable and Disable attributes and helper methods on the model calling has_status method...