Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179761-179780 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220tempestTempest allows easy command line deployments to cloud services, based on fog and chef-s...
97,7220noa-resourceResource module for Noa
97,7220tagstandImplements the complete functionality of the Tagstand Tag Manager API beta (v0.2).
97,7220redis-textsearchCrazy fast text search using Redis. Works with any ORM or data store.
97,7220ruby_core_riA gem to make it possible to have the core ri/rdoc (especially useful if your distro di...
97,7220socrates_scraperScrapes user info from a cohort in Socrates
97,7220tesseract_ffiThis wrapper around the C-API allows use of the legacy modes of the recognition engine.
97,7220test_bench_legacyTest Bench Legacy is the legacy version of a test framework for Ruby designed to offer ...
97,7220testcentricity_appsThe TestCentricityâ„¢ For Apps core framework for MacOS desktop app and iOS and Android m...
97,7220riot_railsRiot specific test support for Rails apps. Protest the slow app.
97,7220search-snifferSimple plugin to sniff inbound search terms from popular search engines
97,7220ifmbGenerate references for IFMB payments (portuguese ATM payment service from IFTHEN)
97,7220bktreebktree in c with ruby bindings
97,7220print_rThis is a print_r() implementation.
97,7220ruby-webIgnore this library if you are a fan of cgi.rb.
97,7220html-pipeline-wiki-linkAn HTML::Pipeline filter for WikiMedia-style wiki links.
97,7220radiant-heroku_sass-extensionEnables SASS to compile on Heroku's read-only filesystem
97,7220sugar_pnga syntax sugar of PNG manipulation
97,7220awesome_print_motionGreat RubyMotion dubugging companion: pretty print RubyMotion objects to visualize thei...
97,7220time_greeting_messageThis gem display a message with the phrase Good morning if it is in the morning, Good a...