Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179801-179820 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220bootstrap-sass-rails-rtlBootstrap is Twitter's toolkit for kickstarting CSS for websites, apps, and more. It in...
97,7220toucanToucan is a Ruby Web Framework build with love by Willyboar Foundation.
97,7220tog_caesar# Odin Caesar Cipher This repository is a solution to the [Odin Caesar Cipher](https:/...
97,7220token_checksumA token generator with an identifiable prefix and a 32-bit checksum suffix.
97,7220tiny_filterSimple filtering for ActiveRecord, Sequel and enumerables.
97,7220time_sliceTime slice
97,7220tiny_ollamaa tiny gem for using ollama's generate and chat endpoints
97,7220to_activerecordFind ActiveRecord instances via their ID value. Now you can use 37.to_post instead of ...
97,7220orthorA gem for displaying content from orthor.com
97,7220tlconnor-xero_gatewayEnables ruby based applications to communicate with the Xero API
97,7220tobimoku_studio_gameThis is the game I made following the exercises in the Pragmatic Studios Ruby Course. ...
97,7220togglesYAML-backed implementation of the feature flags pattern. Build a hierarchy of featu...
97,7220timepicker-addon-railsThe gem provides the jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js and .css for your Rails application.
97,7220timetrap_toggltimetrap-toggl bridges the gap between your entries in Timetrap and your project ta...
97,7220toktokSimplify JWT token encoding and decoding for Ruby. Use a configuration initializer to s...
97,7220html_acceptanceHTML Acceptance lets you accept warnings/errors. Less noisey validation will hopefully...
97,7220recursSpecifiy you're recurrence pattern in symbols and strings and get an ical format recurr...
97,7220tpexThis gem allows for the creation of product and performance nodes on the TPE website.
97,7220tla-parser-sA library paring TLA+ language. Gem name `tla-parser-s` because did not want to reser...
97,7220tolq-parsers-yamlParses and unparses between Tolq and Yaml to be used with the Tolq api