Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179801-179820 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230ukclockchangeReturns the date when the clocks in the UK go forward or backwards 1 hour.
51,3230paginate_mefor more information, please visit the homepage or https://github.com/renz45/paginate_m...
51,3230protect_via_honeypotsIn the never ending battle with the form bots, here's my attempt to mislead them. prote...
51,3230libharu-rubyRuby bindings for libharu https://github.com/libharu/libharu
51,3230pbmCommand line application for personal budget management
51,3230elasticsearch_s3_backupBacks up ElasticSearch to S3
51,3230pivotal_docAutomated release notes for apps hosted on pivotaltracker.com. Allows release...
51,3230dry_scaffoldA DRYer scaffold generator for Rails. Generates dry semantic and standards compliant vi...
51,3230SqueezeBoxA Web Framework Without Fur or Limestone
51,3230quarryQuarry is a small collection of libraries to facilitate Ruby project development, testi...
51,3230organizeCreates directories and links to manage your Mac consistently.
51,3230sourcecontrolThe author was too lazy to write a description
51,3230erp_formsErpForms provides dynamic form capability to existing and dynamic models. Form Builder ...
51,3230typed_attrTyped Attributes and Composite Types for Functional Programming in Ruby
51,3230BaubleA simple sub-module system.
51,3230moulin_rougeAn DSL to manage your authorizations and groups of access with CanCan without repeating...
51,3230capistrano-playa capistrano recipe to deploy Play! apps.
51,3230url_hashCreate url-embeddable hashes from integers, for use in short-url services or simple to ...
51,3230tweeter-bachueThis is a gem to tweet in command line. It can also connect proxy by SSH to do it if th...