Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179841-179860 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220turkish_citiesList and find Turkish cities via name, district name, post code, plate number. Calculat...
97,7220turbolinks-source-gemThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
97,7220cloud_cacheClient library for Quetzall's CloudCache service.
97,7220overiderclass A def hello "hello" end end # Later, I want to overi...
97,7220campusbooksA Ruby library for accessing the CampusBooks.com API
97,7220taps-jrubyA simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database...
97,7220transient_objectsThese objects are non-persistent, and only support persistent objects, controllers or v...
97,7220pure_functionEnsure that no matter how many times you call the same block it'll always return the sa...
97,7220mrdUnder Darwin, spawns a temporary MySQL instance off a RAM disk. Useful to speed up larg...
97,7220twitter-auth-with-mongo-mapperTwitterAuth is a Rails plugin gem that provides Single Sign-On capabilities for Rails a...
97,7220underlockUnderlock makes it dead simple to encrypt and decrypt files using public/private keys.
97,7220TwentyFortyEightPlay a game of 2048 in the terminal, colorized using Ruby curses. (See --help for optio...
97,7220beetrackapiA Ruby Wrapper for the Beetrack API
97,7220reviewed_braaiBraai matchers for Reviewed.com
97,7220tweetomatorCaptivate your twitter audience with a series of interesting tweets and beautiful photos.
97,7220underwearUnderwear is based on Underwear by Thoughtbot, a base Rails project that you can upgrad...
97,7220ubnt-usg-restoreThe Unifi USG has a USB drive in the unit that can be restored by this utility
97,7220ukclockchangeReturns the date when the clocks in the UK go forward or backwards 1 hour.
97,7220uberloaderCustomizable SQL when preloading in ActiveRecord
97,7220uk_postcode-geocodePlaceholder gem to reserve name before release