Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179861-179880 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220twigg-pivotalTwigg provides stats for activity in Git repositories. This is the adapter that enables...
97,7220typed_attrTyped Attributes and Composite Types for Functional Programming in Ruby
97,7220unicorn-academia\Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on...
97,7220typepad_to_jekyllA commandline application to convert Typepad and Moveabletype backup files into Jekyll ...
97,7220snooze_forcesnooze_force was developed by: markbates
97,7220BaubleA simple sub-module system.
97,7220capistrano-playa capistrano recipe to deploy Play! apps.
97,7220moulin_rougeAn DSL to manage your authorizations and groups of access with CanCan without repeating...
97,7220tweeter-bachueThis is a gem to tweet in command line. It can also connect proxy by SSH to do it if th...
97,7220SqueezeBoxA Web Framework Without Fur or Limestone
97,7220sourcecontrolThe author was too lazy to write a description
97,7220spree_statesProvides states seed data for use in Spree.
97,7220bundler-maglev-Bundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many mach...
97,7220clouderA Ruby client library for accessing CloudKit (http://getcloudkit.com) RESTful reposito...
97,7220spork-rdebugide-testunitTest Unit runner for spork with rdebug-ide integration (for rubymine)
97,7220instascraperA scraper for instapaper to provide a basic api without hacing to pay per month
97,7220sprockets-cache-redisA Redis cache store for Sprockets
97,7220nunitrFind and tokenise files!
97,7220condo_mongoidProvides database storage via Mongoid.