Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179881-179900 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220sifterQuery, fetch, create and modify issues stored in Sifter.
97,7220static_recordStaticRecord provides you with the preloading schema-free objects from Yaml to OpenStru...
97,7220htmlgridNot much to say.
97,7220sortable-modelSortable-model provides a DSL for creating named scopes that order the object in questi...
97,7220middleman-presentation-contribExternal contributions for middleman-presentation-helpers etc.
97,7220monetdbA pure Ruby database driver for MonetDB (monetdb5-sql)
97,7220parallel_ancestryCreate and track parallel inheritance hierarchies. Hook parallel hierarchies (by includ...
97,7220rmpdMusic Player Daemon client in Ruby
97,7220mongo_mapper-accepts_nested_attributesAdds a `accepts_nested_attributes_for` class method to make mongo_mapper models work wi...
97,7220memoizable_method_missingOptimize method_missing usage
97,7220rails_templaterTemplate generator for Ruby on Rails 3 applications
97,7220pooleThis is a gem for creating JS games using Jekyll, Coffeescript, HAML, and SASS
97,7220qlive-rspecRun qlive-rails qunit javascript tests headlessly alongside your normal rspec integrati...
97,7220reaccoReacco makes your readme's pretty.
97,7220org.torquebox.torquebox-naming-clientTorqueBox Naming Client
97,7220pure-bootstrap-railsPure Bootstrap Rails is Ruby gem that makes easy using Bootstrap framework in your rail...
97,7220CarmineContraptionLonger and more detailed version of summary...
97,7220capistrano-fast_remote_cacheGem version of the 37 Signals Capistrano Fast Remote Cache (fast_remote_cache) Rails pl...
97,7220cql-rubyCQL Parser, with serialization from cql node tree to cql, xcql, and solr query
97,7220rack-json_response_wrapperRack Middleware for JSON APIs accessed cross-domain from legacy browsers Firefox versi...