Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179981-180000 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230degradeKeep track of error rates using redis. Degrade functionality if they're too high.
51,3230shorthandThis provides an easy way to build simple configuration-style DSLs and run them 'sandbo...
51,3230oodlerRuby wrapper for the Oodle API
51,3230cartographerAssists in the creation of sitemaps that google, yahoo, etc, use. Has finding, rewritin...
51,3230fluent-newrelic-insightsFluent outplugins that forward logs to Newrelic Insights
51,3230c80_modal_formsSmall gem containing single `modal_form.js` file provides basic functionality for using...
51,3230simpleryou should check out rsruby first. This is a very low-tech way to run R. It does have...
51,3230frontendeditorThis is an editor for any rails application
51,3230codeineA really simple, partitionable, ruby-flavored dependency injector
51,3230plurOpinionated development workflow and commonly used tools for Ruby on Rails based develo...
51,3230captchaencryptorCaptcha based on encyrpting and decrypting user data by mathematical operation
51,3230mofomofo is a ruby microformat parser
51,3230cathodeProvides dynamic (runtime, no generated files) boilerplate (routes + controllers) and d...
51,3230ruby-pipelineA simple batch-process management system for small clusters
51,3230mysql_stay_connectedensure active record connections will be reestablished if needed
51,3230flickr-objectsThis gem is an object-oriented wrapper for the Flickr API.
51,3230artoo-ardroneArtoo adaptor and driver for Parrot ARDrone 2.0
51,3230jdunphy-sequel_revisionedSequel plugin designed to maintain a revision history of an object. Sequel_revisioned ...
51,3230logjamLogJam is a library to simplify the use of logging across libraries and applications.
51,3230param_checkerA library for parameter validation and parsing. A handy way to check GET/POST params in...