Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179981-180000 of all 182,298 gems.
101,5951sax-machine-patchedDeclarative SAX Parsing with Nokogiri Patch release
101,5951sms48-railsSending sms with sms48.ru
101,5951test_sinatra_appA Sinatra test application for validating various combinations of packaging and vm plat...
101,5951time_calculationsExtra methods for Date, Time, and DateTime
101,5951ldoceAPI for the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
101,5951yaml_confOrganize your Rails application configuration into a YAML file
101,5951ec2metaec2 instance metadata wrapper for ruby
101,5951amanzi-sldMap styles are often defined using SLD, or Style Layer Descriptor documents. These XML ...
101,5951jencil-railsIt gem are use jencil for Rails.
101,5951kbaum-resque-retryresque-retry provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs. ...
101,5951lircrLIRC client for Ruby
101,5951elo-ratingsRuby wrapper for bayeselo
101,5951asset-resourceManage CSS/JS assets as dynamic resources rather than static files
101,5951lcoverallsLcoveralls is a simple script for reporting code coverage results from LCOV to Coveralls.
101,5951knightThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
101,5951vector2dVector2d allows for easy handling of two-dimensional coordinates and vectors
101,5951vagrant-route53Delete Route53 record associated to the EC2 node when destroying Vagrant VM using AWS p...
101,5951health_statusHealth status API server
101,5951suj-pusherStand alone push notification server for APN, GCM, WNS and MPNS.
101,5951engineyard-apiRuby Wrapper for Egnine Yard API