Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179981-180000 of all 183,682 gems.
55,9960scriptaculous_sliderThis extension is of fork of the original scriptaculous slider plugin which is not main...
55,9960masover-acts-as-taggable-onActs As Taggable On provides the ability to have multiple tag contexts on a single mode...
55,9960hoopla_salesforceHelpers for building Salesforce.com projects
55,9960gemyUseful if you are a gem author: it eases testing your gem locally, and pushing it to Ru...
55,9960fluent-plugin-zmqzmq plugin for fluent, an event collector
55,9960kuahyeow-sunspot_railsRails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library
55,9960newkataA simple project generator, handy to tryout a new class with a corresponding (r)spec. *...
55,9960mobyRuby interface for the world's largest free phonetic database
55,9960osgb_convertProvides a simple interface to transform Geographic coordinates between WGS84 (GPS) and...
55,9960rainux-selenium-webdriverWebDriver is a tool for writing automated tests of websites. It aims to mimic the behav...
55,9960sprout-as3syndicationlib-src-libraryUse the syndication library to parse Atom and all versions of RSS easily. This library ...
55,9960tanning_bedTanning Bed is Solr for models. Tanning Bed provides a Ruby interface for the Solr (htt...
55,9960ruby-screenRuby command line utility to manage GNU Screen configurations, and launch Screen using ...
55,9960lita-claydavisEveryone loves Clay Davis
55,9960elastic_transcoderThis gem is intended to manage the elastic transcoder services of Amazon Web Services
55,9960em-zeromqLow level event machine support for ZeroMQ
55,9960riemann-muninSubmits munin stats to riemann.
55,9960klacointe-openpgpOpenPGP.rb is a pure-Ruby implementation of the OpenPGP Message Format (RFC 4880).
55,9960browsedA lightweight framework for making it easier to work with Capybara/PhantomJS/Selenium
55,9960potatosalad-carrierwaveUpload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...