Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179901-179920 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220check_diskSensu/Nagios CLI Command Check for disk inode and block usage.
97,7220peachyPeachy is an XML slurper that sits on top of existing XML parsers. It dynamically crea...
97,7220snatchdbRemote database downloader
97,7220chekYou can gesture require or not in ruby script. ☑ or ☐.
97,7220pmuxlightweight file-based MapReduce system
97,7220cloudyWith Cloudy you are able to easily deploy your rack/rails applicaiton into the cloud.
97,7220rjack-mavenA gem packaging of Maven. Supports jruby convenient installation and in-process launchi...
97,7220tumblra command line utility and library which interfaces to the excellent tumblr blogging pl...
97,7220spree_change_localeEasy locale change for Spree
97,7220messagepubMore info at http://messagepub.com
97,7220rack-json-pretty-printRack middleware that will pretty print JSON response when pretty=1 is passed as a web p...
97,7220bacuwatchBacuwatch is an application normally run from a cron job to email out reports on the st...
97,7220shutup_sqliteThis gem blocks those Rails log messages about 'sqlite_master' that fill up your develo...
97,7220rack-embedRack::Embed embeds small images via the data-url (base64) if the browser supports it.
97,7220redlanderRedlander is Ruby bindings to Redland library (see http://librdf.org) written in C, whi...
97,7220sms-clubClient for http://smsclub.mobi/ SMS gate. Allows you to send and retrieve status of sen...
97,7220mountain_berry_fields-rspecWhen testing embedded code examples with MountainBerryFields, you may wish to use RSpec...
97,7220parallel-eachParallel iteration for Enumerable
97,7220qiita_mailWrite a gem description
97,7220trustworthyImplements a special case (k = 2) of Adi Shamir's secret sharing algorithm. ...