Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180021-180040 of all 182,298 gems.
101,5951active_record-tableless_modelSimplify creating ActiveRecord clases which don't need a database table
101,5951devise_browserid_authenticatableMozilla BrowserID/Persona authentication module that works with Rails 3.1+ and Devise 2.1+
101,5951lomicLomic is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) intended to be used for Pomic, a programming ...
101,5951trolliedExtendable Ruby on Rails engine for adding shopping cart functionality to a Rails appli...
101,5951addaxCommand-line tool for accessing TIMA-SLS's ADDAX webservice.
101,5951torrentgemSocial folder sharing/backup tool which using BitTorrent.
101,5951extjs-xthemeGenerates Sass-based Ext themes. Includes methods for colorizing themes.
101,5951manipulatorA library to allow photo manipulation on S3 images using RMagick
101,5951hookA simple, lightweight system for adding lifecycle callbacks to your objects.
101,5951statoWrite a gem description
101,5951errlogLogger and error reporter agent for errlog service
101,5951flickrrbA simple interface to the Flickr public API.
101,5951stb-imagestb_image.c bindings for loading basic image data from a variety of formats (JPG, PNG, ...
101,5951kyototycoon-objectsUsing KyotoTycoon as Ruby objects
101,5951tickets_nowTicketsNow API built on SOAP to get data
101,5951zhMandarin locale converter
101,5951ulticoderAggregation and expansion of geocoder and geonames gem
101,5951investolink"Crowdnetic provides transparency for the private and crowdfunded securities marketplac...
101,5951vidibus-helpersA collections of application helpers.
101,5951test1Write a gem description