Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179941-179960 of all 182,298 gems.
101,5951start_projectThe start_project gem is a simple way of downloading the latest version of your favouri...
101,5951svn-hook-toolssvn jira hook ruby lib.
101,5951zendesk-api-naoyaRubyGem wrapper for REST API to http://zendesk.com
101,5951dropboxuploaderA simple Dropbox library to upload files, with no other gem dependencies.
101,5951fauxmachine-cheddargetterRuby wrapper for the CheddarGetter API
101,5951guard-rnaGuard::Rna automatically builds node.json files.
101,5951legit-the-gitGit hooks to help keep accurev and git in sync
101,5951map_layerslibrary dedicated to generate OSM javascript
101,5951yaml_form_helperThe YamlFormHelper is a Rails Plugin that extends the FormBuilder Class with methods to...
101,5951vagrant-unisonVagrant 1.1 plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison
101,5951gittestGittest uses your autotest mappings to run tests based on the files you've created or c...
101,5951eyesaverSimple reminder gem to save your eyes. Based on the 20-20-20 guideline.
101,5951acts_as_has_defaultThis "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for selecting default model accordin...
101,5951maulIt splits logs.
101,5951webmock-resourcesRemote resource definition for tests/specs
101,5951travis-stalkerStalk Travis CI builds.
101,5951swftlyswftly abstracts and automates interactions with Swiffy, Google's hosted swf converter.
101,5951aproposApropos helps your site serve up the appropriate image for every visitor. Serving multi...
101,5951kvanatorAbstract KV library