Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180061-180080 of all 182,298 gems.
101,5951gg_translatorcommandline repl translator
101,5951mech_warriorSpider a web host with many mechanize agents concurrently, and generate an asset JSON ...
101,5951vlad-daemon_kitDaemon Kit tasks for Vlad the Deployer.
101,5951fsckA gem that allows you to be yourself while writing code.
101,5951geohashGeoHash Gem for Ruby (c) 2008 David Troy [email protected] Geohash is a latitude...
101,5951fakerestFakerest is a simple tool based on sinatra which starts a http server (webrick) and exp...
101,5951fuckMakes things slower, so you have to optimize the hard stuff first.
101,5951fluent-plugin-sayFluentd output plugin to say something by using 'say' command
101,5951logicleLogicle is a simulator for testing and solving simple circuits composed of basic logica...
101,5951strace_meA wrapper around strace(1) that allows you to perform targetted tracing of a block. st...
101,5951ynw-ar_mailerEven delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
101,5951erp_dev_svcsThis engine exists as development support for CompassAE.
101,5951history_commanderHistory Commander is a ruby daemon that provides bash users with a global shared comman...
101,5951flex-sdkFlex SDK Gem for redistribution to build servers and other developers. Also provides a ...
101,5951formattedstringBrings all parsing of Formatted Strings into one common place.
101,5951veewee-atlassianExpand the 'vagrant box' command to support the creation of base boxes from scratch. Th...
101,5951lolita-translationLolita extension that allow users to change language and translate DB data.
101,5951tvdb_partySimple Ruby library to talk to thetvdb.com's api
101,5951iyeI18n YAML Editor
101,5951testdocDocumentation generator for tests you want to give manuel testers.