Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180081-180100 of all 182,298 gems.
101,5951faye-authenticationA faye extension to add authentication mechanisms
101,5951ftdiRuby bindings for libftdi
101,5951mallard-loggerSimple wrapper around Logger to behave a specific way
101,5951facturae_printfacturae_print translates a facturae xml file into an understandable HTML or PDF file
101,5951launchcraftSimple cli launcher for minecraft
101,5951fpdfLibrary fpdf
101,5951eventmachine_snmpagentEvented SNMP Agent
101,5951icon-buttonsThis Compass plugin provides some easy to use mixins for creating buttons with icons.
101,5951exipexip outputs your current external IP address. Nothing more, nothing less :D
101,5951apndAPND (Apple Push Notification Daemon) is a ruby library to send Apple Push Notifica...
101,5951jasmine_trellisA new approach to maintable, dynamic fixture generation for Javascript tests.
101,5951soogemA collection of classes I always seem to be rewriting
101,5951ey_cloud_awarenessDEPRECATED: use engineyard-metadata. Pull metadata from EC2 and EngineYard so that your...
101,5951tarantool-recordTarantool KV-storage ActiveModel-aware Record.
101,5951engineyard-metadataPulls metadata from EC2 and EngineYard so that your EngineYard AppCloud (Amazon EC2) in...
101,5951underscore-sourceLet's have bundler manage our asset dependencies yo.
101,5951gtkmozembedRuby/GtkMozEmbed is a Ruby binding of GtkMozEmbed a widget embedding a Mozilla Gecko re...
101,5951validates_hostValidates Host, Domain and IP and test it with matchers in a simple way.
101,5951alf-shellThis project implements the `alf` commandline tool.