Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180141-180160 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230jordandobson-posterousThe Posterous gem provides posting to Posterous.com using your email, password, site id...
51,3230libGooIt has full HackEx API library, and LibGoo. LibGoo is developed to ease your scripting,...
51,3230minitest-reporters-turn_reporterA Minitest Reporter that formats test output like Turn
51,3230lita-gitlab2jenkins_ghpA Lita Handler for storing gitlabs's pushed events for after send them in a merge reque...
51,3230bing_translate_yamlbing_translate_yaml is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin to translate your YAML files using...
51,3230nogara-simple_captchaSimpleCaptcha is available to be used with Rails 3 or above and also it provides the ba...
51,3230jordi-find_by_sql_fileThis ActiveRecord extension lets you pass a symbol to ActiveRecord::Base#find_by_sql, w...
51,3230rack-log-requestLog in mongoDB all request do with their time to generate it
51,3230joshuaclayton-clearanceRails authentication with email & password.
51,3230ssh-bookmarksA dead simple cli ssh server list.
51,3230rails_relations_fixFix for 2 rails bugs. #3005 Counter_cache and polymorhic association. #3964 Not refresh...
51,3230jonrowe-database_cleanerStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
51,3230splunkerA Ruby client for the Splunk API
51,3230mappableLightweight string mappings engine for Rails
51,3230spree_redsysRedsys is an Spanish payment gateway.
51,3230ar_translateStore values for multiple languages in an ActiveRecord attribute using PostgreSQL's hst...
51,3230ar_xivsimple request to arXiv and get data
51,3230iterateIterate over one or more collections. It feels like an .each implemented as a control s...
51,3230capistrano-scm-gitbuildCapistrano 3 build and copy strategy for git (checkout branch, apply build steps and de...
51,3230israkelCollection of common rake tasks for the iPhone Simulator like start/stop and some more.