Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180161-180180 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230rubitlashRubitlash is a Ruby interface with Bitlash for Arduino
51,3230foregroundControl daemonizing background processes with launchd.
51,3230magicsheetWrite your timesheets in ruby after the __END__. Supports currencies and tells you how ...
51,3230calculiCalculated functions for metaprogramming.
51,3230skimlinksA simple wrapper around the Skimlinks APIs
51,3230fluxapiA Fluxiom.com api wrapper for ruby
51,3230rails-geocoderTHIS GEM HAS BEEN RENAMED: please use 'geocoder' instead. Provides object geocoding (by...
51,3230codon_table_parserParses the NCBI genetic code table, generating hash maps of each species' name, start c...
51,3230rankable_graphA Ruby Pagerank implementation
51,3230vstudioideA Ruby library for parsing Visual Studio file formats.
51,3230jperkins-deep_testDeepTest runs tests in multiple processes.
51,3230guard-shoryukenGuard::Shoryuken automatically starts/stops/restarts Shoryuken workers
51,3230ImageScraperA gem to download all the images at a particular URL
51,3230kashimeKashime is OpenStack Network Managment tool - Alternatives neutron
51,3230union_station_hooks_coreUnion Station Ruby hooks core code.
51,3230off_githubA simple tool which helps migrate your locally installed gems from github to gemcutter....
51,3230missing_controller_helpers_generatormissing_controller_helpers_generator was developed by: markbates
51,3230honoka-railsTo mount Honoka on rails. Honoka is a simple and friendly japanese bootstrap-theme.
51,3230sbnSBN makes it easy to use Bayesian Networks in your ruby application.
51,3230gohellBest gem in east earth!