Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180161-180180 of all 182,840 gems.
70,6460minitest-mustwontedProvides a new unversal and esily extendable matchers engine
70,6460cure_acts_as_versionedAdd simple versioning to ActiveRecord models.
70,6460dnclabs-httpartyMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy. This is the DNC L...
70,6460faqmlA Simple FAQ Markup Language
70,6460jslint-sourceA RubyGem packaging of the JSLint code quality utility.
70,6460trueskill-rankedA improved TrueSkill with correct ranking order Now with Match Quality also fixed error...
70,6460npa_lookupNPA|Nxx Lookup command line tool for CloudVox's Digits.cloundvox.com API
70,6460haikulearning_mongrel_upload_progressThe haikulearning fork of the mongrel_upload_progress gemplugin
70,6460conkerConfiguration library.
70,6460delayed_kmFor My Personal Use Only. Feel free to use, but this diverges from the original by Vinc...
70,6460rrbayesImplementation of a naive Bayes classifier with a Redis backend
70,6460jedlikCommunicate with Amazon DynamoDB. Raw access to the full API without having to handle t...
70,6460justgage-railsJustGage JS as a Rubygem for use in the Rails asset pipeline
70,6460paperclip_cloud_storageStore Paperclip files on Rackspace CloudFiles
70,6460riffraff_jsonpathThe gem implements a simple parser+evaluator for JSONPath expressions in Ruby. It is a ...
70,6460opengotham_redis-namespaceAdds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace calls to Redis. This is us...
70,6460xml_to_jsonTransforms a string of XML into a string of JSON
70,6460carlo-retryableKernel#retryable, allow for retrying of code blocks.
70,6460cassiomarques-booleanizeA Rails plugin that adds some new methods for boolean attributes in Active Record models.