Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180381-180400 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700rubyunitUnit testing and test-driven development are crucial parts of the software development ...
38,9700cybersourceryCybersourcery takes care of the most difficult aspects of working with Cybersource in R...
38,9700gamefic-sdkDevelopment and command-line tools for Gamefic
38,9700linknewLinknew creates links to all files in another directory once. You can use it to keep tr...
38,9700mandrill_inbound_parserParse mandrill inbound data to readable text.
38,9700peoplefinderThe peoplefinder provides searchable staff profiles for your organisation. Since it's a...
38,9700ruboty-ssruboty plugin for take a screenshot of website.
38,9700rufregleSimple Free google translate.
38,9700okeiRESTful public JSON API for units of measures following Russian national standard (OKEI).
38,9700ruby-epegRuby extension for the epeg library which provides facilities for scaling JPEG images v...
38,9700safe_colorizeSafe coloring extensions of String.
38,9700warehausFetch KMZ files from the Sketchup 3D Warehouse, and convert them into sensibly named di...
38,9700with_lockImplements named mutexes for ruby applications by creating a resource server to query f...
38,9700looksistRedis backed lookup for your models
38,9700cucumber-blinkboxblinkbox books specific cucumber test helpers
38,9700utilitybeltMy Ruby Utility Belt -- Not really intended for general use, but you're welcome to it.
38,9700pixel_piNeoPixels are fun! Ruby is fun! RaspberryPi is fun! FUN^3
38,9700qiita_nekosogi_stockerQiita::NekosogiStocker stocks specific user's all articles..
38,9700ripple-data-api-clientRipple data api client for ruby
38,9700rspec_editorRSpec Formatter that interfaces with your editor.