Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180301-180320 of all 184,353 gems.
51,3230eymigratesimple gem for helping migrate EY customers
51,3230crystal_extRuby Web Framework
51,3230capicapistrano tasks
51,3230socket_sendfileAn library that adds the sendfile(2) system call to Socket. Only known to work on Free...
51,3230foreman-export-monitExports monit scripts fromm Foreman
51,3230knife-ghostAutomatically populates /etc/hosts with node domain names and IP addresses from Chef, r...
51,3230encrypted-attributesAES encrypted attributes with Rails. Behaves similarly to Rails's #serialize and works ...
51,3230golgol lets one start random games of Game of Life with chooseable params like grid size, ...
51,3230pointillistPointillist converts Atom stylesheets for use by Ruby, as a replacement to Pygments.
51,3230rspec_api_documentation-open_apiAdds open_api output format to rspec_api_documentation
51,3230gitauthA library to enable per user / group authentication on a read / write basis for git rep...
51,3230bin_searchPure ruby implementation of binary search for Ruby arrays and similiar data structures....
51,3230valid_itemsGoes through all your Rails ActiveRecord objects and check if they are all still pass y...
51,3230kdmny-spreepatch gem for rails 2.3.2 support
51,3230oba_clientSee above.
51,3230rfidProvider for RFID API and driver by websokets protocol
51,3230keepyourheadKeepYourHead is a latex based flashcard trainer under GPL3. It includes an editor as we...
51,3230kdonovan-trufinaProvides a DSL to easily interact with the XML API offered by Trufina.com, an identity ...
51,3230cachable_urlReplace all '?'s in URLs with '%1F' (the ASCII unit separator char), and a middleware t...
51,3230local_cacheSimilar to Rails' built in MemoryStore, but adds size limit and expiration.