Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180301-180320 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250oneacct-exportExporting OpenNebula accounting data.
68,6250tic-tac-toe-with-aiA simple tic-tac-toe-app with an unbeatable AI.
68,6250rabbit_swiftOpenStack Object Storage Simple Client
68,6250musicbrainz-rubySimple Ruby wrapper for MusicBrainz XML Web Service
68,6250stripe-iiftoqboConverts Stripe's IIF transaction file into a QBO file for importing into Quickbooks On...
68,6250niftycloud-restful-read-apiNIFTYCloud の情報取得系 API を RESTful に利用できるようにする Sinatra アプリ
68,6250jekyll-serveThe `jekyll serve` command.
68,6250rabbit-slide-Piro-droonga-meetup-1Droonga Meetupで発表した、Groongaユーザ向けのDroongaの簡単な紹介と、Groongaを利用したアプリケーションをDroongaに移行する手順の解説です。
68,6250scaffold_sinatraHelps scaffold a simple Sinatra app according to the WDI conventions...
68,6250sullivanA simple, composable way to validate the structure of data. "Form ever follows function...
68,6250functional-light-serviceA service skeleton with an emphasis on simplicity with a pinch a functional programming
68,6250vue_cli-railsGet vue-cli working with Rails
68,6250csv_ormBecause I hate excel, I'd rather query my csv files like I would query a db
68,6250mdpressSimple gem to build impress.js presentations from markdown files.
68,6250headroom-railsA lightweight javascript asset that reacts to your scrolling and hides your header unti...
68,6250em_alldoneProvides a way to execute a callback when all of a set of deferrables complete.
68,6250hstorableThis gem simplifies working wih fields stored using Hstore
68,6250lunar_phaseEnter any date in terminal and receive the lunar phase for that date.
68,6250mime-typerA gem to detect mime type of a file, using libmagic.
68,6250spinnaPicks albums from your music collection so you don’t have to.