Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180321-180340 of all 183,669 gems.
51,2800rabbit-slide-kou-sezemi-2015-readable-code-exercise2015年のSEゼミの「プログラミングが好きな学生のためのリーダブルコード勉 強会」の課題の進め方を練習する方法の説明。
51,2800record_cacheActive Record caching and indexing in memcache.
51,2800capistrano-blazeA simple campfire plugin for capistrano
51,2800rscalrRscalr is a Ruby implementation of the Scalr API, written to interface cleanly with Che...
51,2800ghaki-net-sshGhaki Net SSH is a collection of extensions for the Net SSH gem library.
51,2800typhoeus-simpleI like the open method provided by open-uri, so I copied it for use with Typhoeus and N...
51,2800pegasuspegasus: unicorn-steady, redis-backed, shared-nothing worker processes
51,2800robohashDownloads random robot images from robohash.org
51,2800translated_attributesActiveRecord/Rails simple translatable attributes
51,2800campfire_handlerChef handler for sending exceptions & updated resources to Campfire
51,2800branstonAn agile user story tracker that generates gherkin files and step definitions for use w...
51,2800addmegemto add two values
51,2800cequel-migrations-railsCequel migration support for Rails.
51,2800portmidiAn ffi wrapper around the cross platform midi library portmidi, part of the portmedia f...
51,2800merb_exceptionsAllows Merb to forward exceptions to emails or web hooks
51,2800lingqGem for interacting with the API of lingq.com. It's a language learning website, and i...
51,2800iab-InsuranceBizLogicInsuranceBizLogic contains biz logic for stand four insurance processes of NB, MTA, Can...
51,2800rexplRexpl is an interactive bytecode console for Rubinius
51,2800jiraliciousA Ruby library for interacting with JIRA's REST API
51,2800delta-capistranoExtra DSLs for capistrano