Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181041-181060 of all 183,501 gems.
138,0482dr_dreA gem that logs a list of callers to redirect_to and render in a Rails app, and catches...
138,0482rl_hiya_pedro_duranThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
138,0482fetty-generatorsThis generators provide you to easily setup your Rails 3 application, create authentica...
138,0482adA wrapper around Ruby's net-ldap library to ease authentication and record finding
138,0482template_wrappertemplate_wrapper runs in development only and overrides Rails rendering to add a small ...
138,0482remoParses a string and add Emoticons in it.
138,0482allpay_vaccountWrite a longer description. Optional.
138,0482omnirepoCreate a new omnibus repository out of collections of existing GitHub repositories.
138,0482fitnesse-rubyThe fitnesse server packaged as a convenient gem.
138,0482gem-github-statsShow Github-related stats of the same gem from different users
138,0482ffi-zlibffi-zlib provides a very thin wrapper around zlib using the Ruby FFI library.
138,0482erp_invoicingErpInvoicing adds models and services to the CompassAE core to handle invoicing and bil...
138,0482sluggable_tkbGenerate sluggable string
138,0482ruby-stackdriver-exporterThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
138,0482deliverhqDeliverHQ API wrapper
138,0482vertical-s3_swf_uploadRails 3 gem that allows you to upload files directly to S3 from your application using ...
138,0482rudbmsA Ruby implementation of Edward Sciore's SimpleDB relational database management system
138,0482runtime_infoGetting information about the current Ruby environment can be a bit arcane. Lots of sol...
138,0482sinatra-captchaSimple, easy captcha for Sinatra
138,0482activemqActiveMQ client for Ruby using openwire protocol through activemq-cpp client