Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181061-181080 of all 183,501 gems.
138,0482ruby_do_plugin_power_management_upowerA plugin for Ruby-Do that can log out, suspend, hibernate and shut the computer down.
138,0482theorician-sinatra-respond_toA respond_to style Rails block for baked-in web service support in Sinatra
138,0482saferpay_rubySaferpay JSON application programming interface with a ruby API wrapper built with Net:...
138,0482ruzbxThe library is under development
138,0482s3_styleS3Style is a utility for generating and modifying S3 urls with multiple "style" variant...
138,0482sassy-escapeSass wrapper for a JavaScript library for escaping CSS strings and identifiers
138,0482administrated_scaffoldA scaffold generator that creates a public and administrative controller and views.
138,0482allsum-clientCompute MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and fuzzyhash (CTPH) of specified filetypes in specified dire...
138,0482dm-groonga-adapterdatamapper adapter for groonga search engine
138,0482sayso-routing-filterRouting filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowi...
138,0482rails-skeletonJumpstart new rails projects by cloning existing skeleton projects
138,0482sgeorgi-loggingLogging is a flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the design of J...
138,0482select2_railsSelect2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote d...
138,0482dot_notationSimple-ish enumberable-simplifier. Useful for APIs like Twitter, etc If you have a has...
138,0482ajax-chosen-railsChosen is a javascript library of select box enhancer for jQuery and Protoype. This gem...
138,0482ydim_htmlywesee Distributed Invoice Manager HTML Interface, Ruby
138,0482taggrThis gem will allow your web application or mobile app to use tagging in a similar mann...
138,0482amazon_associateinterfaces with Amazon Associate's API using Hpricot
138,0482zync-genA Collection of generators for the Zync Web Framework
138,0482fluent-plugin-csv-with-headerCSV parser with header plugin for Fluent