Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181081-181100 of all 183,501 gems.
138,0482delete_paranoidflag database records as deleted and hide them from subsequent queries
138,0482sentiment-allsentiment-al is Sentiment Analysis Service that allow the analysis of text throught SEN...
138,0482erp_ordersThe Orders Engine in CompassAE implements models for Orders, Order Items and Order stat...
138,0482session_attributesStore attributes in handy singletons for Rails/ActionDispatch sessions
138,0482send_file_with_correct_file_namesend_file or send_data using utf-8 file name with multi-browser compatible
138,0482show_json_exceptionsChanges the default rails 'exception' behavior to render JSON instead of a HTML view (e...
138,0482theatreA library for choreographing a dynamic pool of hierarchially organized actors on Ruby v1.8
138,0482simple_termYou can manage the beginning and ending date time of a term. You can also check whether...
138,0482simple_listing_railsThis gem provides easy and flexible way to write listing actions in your Rails app. It ...
138,0482didoDido makes the creation of libraries faster thanks to a set of commands. It creates the...
138,0482simple_xurrency_buntineA really easy interface to the Xurrency API. It's Ruby 1.8, 1.9 and JRuby compatible an...
138,0482simd_string_upcaseA SIMD-optimized replacement for Ruby's String#length method for x86_64 architectures
138,0482eleven40_16a 16 column cssgrid implementation in compass based in eleven40
138,0482fractal-matchersRspec matchers used in fractalgarden.com
138,0482douban_apiA Ruby wrapper for the Douban API v2 based on instagram's official ruby gem
138,0482api-query-providerProvides an easy interface to arbitrary json apis
138,0482rubytrackselectorA music selection library for Rubygame.
138,0482smtlaissezfaire-active_record_attribute_parserParse rails formatted date & time params, such as 'birthday(1i)'. Code extracted f...
138,0482shynessPost student questions from the command line to the API developed at s-espinosa/ask.
138,0482singtel_sdpRails 4 engine that provides Singtel's SDP integration points to your rails app. Pr...