Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181101-181120 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830gittestGittest uses your autotest mappings to run tests based on the files you've created or c...
74,4830webmock-resourcesRemote resource definition for tests/specs
74,4830omniauth-lockitronOmniauth lockitron strategy
74,4830numberofdaysuntilFind the number of days until another date
74,4830snowleopard-ncursesUpdated for Snow Leopard ruby 1.9.2 (Ralf Papenkordt). This wrapper provides access to ...
74,4830vagrant-unisonVagrant 1.1 plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison
74,4830viva-declarative_authorizationdeclarative_authorization is a Rails plugin for authorization based on readable authori...
74,4830redactor_rails_formtasticFormtastic :as => field for Redactor Rails editor
74,4830kvanatorAbstract KV library
74,4830leaflet-zoomslider-railsIntegrates the Leaflet ZoomSlider plugin with Rails asset pipeline
74,4830delayed_job_honeybadgerNotifies Honeybadger of errors in Delayed Job workers.
74,4830fuci-travisFUCK YOU CI: For Travis! :).
74,4830inline_encryptionA simple encryption tool based on common convention
74,4830hutTerminal campfire client
74,4830flickr_authenticationA library that simplifies the authentication and storing of credentials for applicartio...
74,4830elEspresso Lungo - Extra Libs for Espresso Framework
74,4830activemerchant-realex3dsRealex is the leading payment provider for Ireland. The default gateway included in Act...
74,4830http_vanilliHttpVanilli gives you lip-synced http connections with pluggable band members for testing.
74,4830rspec-tag_matchersA collection of RSpec matchers that understand Rails conventions, allowing for more con...
74,4830access_rulesAuthorization for Rails