Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181141-181160 of all 182,276 gems.
74,4830radiant-sitemap_search-extensionAdds search feature for pages, snippets, layouts, et al.
74,4830crowdint_omniauth-githubFixes scope: nil >> Official GitHub strategy for OmniAuth.
74,4830geostockGeoStock API for Ruby
74,4830vector2dVector2d allows for easy handling of two-dimensional coordinates and vectors
74,4830knightThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
74,4830rdoc-viewRealtime RDoc viewer with WebSocket.
74,4830vagrant-route53Delete Route53 record associated to the EC2 node when destroying Vagrant VM using AWS p...
74,4830adckSimple Apple push notification service gem Based on the APNS gem by James Pozdena ...
74,4830nothing_magicalEasily remove all magic encoding comments for Ruby source files.
74,4830mm_no_emptiesMongoMapper plugin that prevents any fields responding to empty? from being persisted i...
74,4830health_statusHealth status API server
74,4830neutrinoAn uploader library that embraces modularity and rejects magick
74,4830exactlyExactTarget SOAP API client
74,4830rack-vhostRack middleware to dispatch to an application via host header.
74,4830hoptoadrUnofficial Hoptoad API in Ruby
74,4830iab-ActiveRecordBDBXmlActiveRecordBDBXml is a ActiveRecord RAILS adapter for the Berkeley DB Xml - BDBXml
74,4830domain_infoWraps access to basic domain DNS records needed to verify domain configuration
74,4830rails_metricsMetrics measurement for your app on top of ActiveSupport::Notifications
74,4830ruby-treemap-forkTreemap visualization in ruby
74,4830engineyard-apiRuby Wrapper for Egnine Yard API