Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181141-181160 of all 183,494 gems.
78,1540opmac2htmlA converter of TeX documents written using OPmac macro set to...
78,1540gemmy_rbCreate a lot of gems? Try gemmy_rb!
78,1540studi-budiAllows you to create sets of flash cards and review them
78,1540kitchensinkdescription of gem
78,1540lita-google-translateA Lita handler that performs translation and live interpretation with Google Translate.
78,1540threads_padA helpful tool for paralleling and asynchronous processing for Rails
78,1540shuber-proxyA gem/plugin that allows rails applications to respond to multiple domains and proxied ...
78,1540rubyVDRconvertbackground maintenance script for VDR
78,1540newrelic_tagEnable newrelic reporting based on an EC2 tag.
78,1540sc2epubconvert sourcecode to epub
78,1540therealadam-couchrest-railsRails plugin for connecting to and working with CouchDB via CouchRest
78,1540ripl-rocketLets you display the ripl result as a comment on the same line.
78,1540therubymug-hitchHitch allows developers to be properly credited when Pair Programming and using Git.
78,1540thewoolleyman-selenium-railsSupport for using Selenium RC with Rails
78,1540gsolr_extA query/response extension lib for the Generic Solr Gem (fork of RSolr)
78,1540newedenRuby library for accessing Eve Online API
78,1540ucslibRuby Client Library for Cisco UCS Manager that can be used for Infrastructure Automation
78,1540multiple_connection_handlerHacky utility to access dbs listed in Rails' database.yml. See README for more info.
78,1540jugend-httpartyMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
78,1540validates_as_date_timeRails gem/plugin that implements an ActiveRecord validation helper called validates_as_...