Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181561-181580 of all 183,477 gems.
58,4380burnBurn is a free and open source framework that allows you to create 8-bit flavored appli...
58,4380fabrikTraits for Ruby 2, as described in the paper "Traits: A Mechanism for Fine-grained Reus...
58,4380hexo_disqus_migratorhexo_disqus_migrator is a tool that help blogger to generate Disqus Url Mapper for your...
58,4380ikarosupdate later
58,4380trustygemsStandaridizing gem deploy commands, regardless of destination.
58,4380make_dirs_from_listQuick command to create a directory structure given a list of dir names
58,4380kontena-plugin-awsKontena Amazon Web Services plugin
58,4380kontena-plugin-digitaloceanKontena DigitalOcean plugin
58,4380oprahOpinionated presenters for Rails 5 - without the cruft
58,4380updawgA simple way to see what's up, dawg (and what's not.)
58,4380bf_ruby2A (machine-generated) Ruby SDK for interacting with the BillForward API.
58,4380meetups-wwcnycCLI gem that allows users to receive a list of upcoming WomenWhoCode - NYC meetups, and...
58,4380welaika-suspendersweLaika's fork of the famous thoughbot suspenders gem.
58,4380robotwitterautomate twitter tasks, such as retweetting, following, unfollowing
58,4380ideal-mollieA simple Ruby implementation for handeling iDeal transactions with the Mollie API
58,4380cotweet-fakewebFakeWeb is a helper for faking web requests in Ruby. It works at a global level, withou...
58,4380camaras_valencia_esA RESTful wrapper to the RESTful-like API at http://camaras.valencia.es to access traff...
58,4380rabbit-slide-kou-sprk2012私はコードを書くことが好きです。もっと言うとクリアなコードを書くことが 好きです。クリアなコードを書くことはとても楽しいので、みんながクリアな コードを書けるようになればいい...
58,4380tobias-railroadA DOT diagram generator for Ruby on Rail applications
58,4380dkastner-tapsA simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database.