Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181561-181580 of all 182,229 gems.
66,1540toppings-susythis gem sports support for the susy sass library for toppings
66,1540rbgaProviding an expressive DSL to illustrate genetic algorithm problems and sets of defaul...
66,1540ogoneFlexible Ogone ecommerce wrapper Deal simply with multiple ogone ecommerce account wit...
66,1540meat_sauceページをスクレイピングしたり、スクリーンショットを撮ったり(scraping web page, screen shot web page .... and more)
66,1540fluent-plugin-pull_forwardFluentd plugin that store data to be forwarded, and send these when client(input plugin...
66,1540rbbt-phgxPharmaco-genomics related data sources. Deprecated. Relevant files moved to rbbt-source...
66,1540pipedrive-rubyRuby wrapper for the Pipedrive API
66,1540check_tagCheck box tag that submits value whether checked or unchecked
66,1540negval-deadlock_retryProvides automatical deadlock retry and logging functionality for ActiveRecord and MySQL
66,1540rack_restrictorMatriser l'acces a vos applications
66,1540basecampxBasecamp new ruby api wrapper
66,1540agilebuddy-commaFork of comma with support for nested rows
66,1540rep.jqueryHyperstudio bundle containing 3rd-party jQuery tools
66,1540cloud-loggerA simple Ruby interface to the APIs of various cloud logging services
66,1540webget_ruby_password_hashWebGet Ruby Gem: PasswordHash class for secure password hashing with plain text and ran...
66,1540sinatra-hijackerA sinatra plugin to handle websockets
66,1540chatty_error'chatty_error' helps you create error with message easily. An error message is loaded f...
66,1540ncri-seerSeer is a lightweight, semantically rich wrapper for the Google Visualization API. It a...
66,1540adconnectA Gem tuned specifically to authenticate to Active Directory's flavor of ldap. Very bar...