Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
181581-181600 of all 183,477 gems.
58,4380has_attributes_fromMerge the attributes from another ActiveRecord class to an individual STI subclass.
58,4380dudemeister-uuid4rContains make configuration changes since this thing is a bitch to compile correclty. ...
58,4380neo4j-even_easier_idAutomatically creates unique IDs based on the Ruby BSON object ID generation method.
58,4380facebook_word_counterGiven a list of facebook ids, scrapes the front page of posts and returns a hash of wor...
58,4380dmapparserParses DMAP data
58,4380undo-storage-rails_cacheRails.cache storage adapter for Undo. Does not depend on Rails and can be used with any...
58,4380buffer_cursorCursor for byte buffers
58,4380ipcad2squidSimple gem for converting and appending output from ipcad to squid logs formats
58,4380mercatorTools to perform conversions between spherical and grid coordinates using the Gauss con...
58,4380irfsdashInterface gem for the BBC Research and Development IRFS Dashboard
58,4380zapiA simple zuora api connector
58,4380my_string_extend_deeThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the ...
58,4380box_viewAPI client for Box View
58,4380uri-gitAn URI scheme handler for git:// protocol
58,4380mina-configAdds a multi-environment yml configuration file to mina. Environment configuration is d...
58,4380git-gc-crongit-gc-cron recursively searches for git repos in the directories specified on the comm...
58,4380hoiAPI for Hoiio
58,4380ParsePapersA gem for parsing exampro past papers into question objects
58,4380lono-apiRuby client for the lono public api at http://make.lono.io