Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182041-182060 of all 182,267 gems.
73,9730github-creategithub-create helps you setup github repositories for your projects from command-line
73,9730named_parametersBy including the NamedParameters module into your class/module the 'named_parameters' m...
73,9730pow-indexCreate index page of 37signals-Pow
73,9730strongroomStrong public-key encryption for arbitrary length data.
73,9730mashapeThe Mashape Ruby client library needed to consume APIs on Mashape
73,9730notification_serverNode notification server integration library for ruby project
73,9730oa-pubcookieOmniauth strategy using pubcookie with special additions for CMU students where informa...
73,9730ruby-stempSecure tempfile extension for Ruby
73,9730compass-uiCompass-UI is a jQuery UI theme builder for the Compass CSS Authoring Framework.
73,9730ullrullr is a little gem that consumes NOAA weather xml for a given lat/long, and returns a...
73,9730jsdoc-railsUses an included copy of jsdoc-toolkit to parse your JavaScript documentation and then ...
73,9730downpourA simple, fast Mysql and Drizzle library for Ruby, binding to libdrizzle. Still in earl...
73,9730docsDocumentation generator with support for including code examples and compiling them at ...
73,9730graytoadNotify both Graylog2 and Hoptoad with this wrapper.
73,9730capistrano-unicorn-methodsContains a unicorn namespace with methods for starting stopping and maintaining the uni...
73,9730i18n_attributesA generate model attributes I18n locale files plugin for Rails3.
73,9730ey_snaplockServer side components for Engine Yard's snapshotting process
73,9730cantango-coreDefine your permission rules as role- or role group specific permits. Integrates well w...
73,9730klopsAdd common snippets to your Rails app
73,9730mm_uses_no_idMongoMapper plugin that removes ID field from EmbeddedDocuments