Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182421-182440 of all 183,445 gems.
67,8080stable_redis_paginationPaginate things via after_id and count using Redis sorted sets
67,8080pwfooA gem that generates strong random passwords, scores the strength of passwords, and gen...
67,8080allenwei-railroadRailRoad is a class diagrams generator for Ruby on Rails applications.
67,8080weathermaticSmartLink provides a web portal which connects SmartLine controllers in the field to th...
67,8080activerdf_jenaActiveRDF adapter to the Jena RDF store
67,8080rspec_rails3_genRspec Rails 3 generators ported from similar Rails 2 generators
67,8080anlexpressA Gem for Tracking ANL Express
67,8080casrack_the_authenticatorCAS Authentication via Rack Middleware
67,8080true-webA lightweight Sinatra web MVC stack
67,8080wti_gettext_i18n_railsA rack middleware and a handful of rake tasks to sync your translations between webtran...
67,8080pNet-DNSRuby port of perl Net::DNS
67,8080capitCapIt provides a simple Ruby interface to Björn Höhrmann's CutyCapt.
67,8080doesfacebookPaper-thin Facebook validation and signed request parsing Rails plugin
67,8080stringvalidatorStringValidator is a Ruby library for validating string
67,8080easy-vimeoEasyVimeo is an object wrapper around the Ruby Vimeo API to easily upload videos to Vim...
67,8080sexxy-emailsAdds inline css support to action mailer so you can use a stylesheet to tame your email...
67,8080rack-pretty_jsonPretty JSON for pretty people
67,8080vlad-merbMerb support for Vlad. Prior to 2.0.0, Vlad included support to make vlad:start and vla...
67,8080chemspiderChemSpider.rb: ChemSpider wrapped up with a Ruby bow.
67,8080cherry_kitDesktop framework for use with vienna