Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182421-182440 of all 182,583 gems.
100,0860sublimevideo_railsHTML5 Sublime Video plugin
100,0860most_nested_hashHash extension
100,0860sinatra-subroutesRestrict routes in Sinatra based of the Subdomain in the URI
100,0860paginationTrying to make the pagination world a better place
100,0860octave-ruby== USAGE: require 'octave' engine = Octave::Engine.new engine.eval "123.456 * 789.101...
100,0860wildcloud-loggerSimple logging library inspired by Rack architecture
100,0860rukuRoku™ set-top box remote control, command line and web interfaces
100,0860mongo_cache_storeA MongoDB ActiveSupport Cache
100,0860redis-diff_match_patchThis library will allow you to perform atomic diffs, patches and merges on Redis strings.
100,0860shindanShindan maker (http://shindanmaker.com/) wrapper library.
100,0860shitcanUltra lightweight wrapper for the memcached gem. Allows for stupidly simple partial cac...
100,0860prefineryRuby API for Prefinery.com
100,0860sudokuhandlerHighly optimised Sudoku objects and mixins for Ruby
100,0860langueIt is the foundation to provide the operations to the natural languages.
100,0860spider2a framework to crawl web pages
100,0860stash-magicA simple attachment system (file system or Amazon S3) that also handles thumbnails or o...
100,0860rforcedotcomRForcedotcom is a fork of RForce which provides the connection to Force.com.
100,0860popoRuby and rails repo tool
100,0860pithPith builds static websites, using markup/template languages including Haml, Sass, ERb,...
100,0860rlayoutimprove rails layout such as simplifying content_for usage and let erb file can determi...