Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182361-182380 of all 183,445 gems.
67,8080rspec-html-formatterExtended html formator for rspec. It create seperate html file for each rspec test script.
67,8080paytrailPaytrail Merchant API allows merchant to create and delete refunds for payments made vi...
67,8080photo-cookThis gem provides complete tool for resizing and optimizing photos in Ruby
67,8080temporals"We could develop some interpreter that would be able to parse and process a range of e...
67,8080capistrano-scm-jenkinsCapistrano 3.x plugin to deploy Jenkins artifacts.
67,8080acts_as_stripPlugin to remove spaces on fields
67,8080couchmodelCouchModel provides an interface to easly handle CouchDB documents. It also comes with ...
67,8080ncri-seerSeer is a lightweight, semantically rich wrapper for the Google Visualization API. It a...
67,8080barsbars reads ~/bars.yml and outputs the result in bar format
67,8080featherdustFeatherdust is a simple Twitter gem that grabs and parses data via the Twitter API. NO...
67,8080extended_inherited_resourcesSlightly extended version of josevalim inherited_resources - for rails 2.3
67,8080adconnectA Gem tuned specifically to authenticate to Active Directory's flavor of ldap. Very bar...
67,8080dragonfly-cloudinarySimple cloudinary data store for Dragonfly
67,8080sskirby-resque-schedulerLight weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to s...
67,8080btparse-rubyA simple little BibTeX parser.
67,8080sexy_downloadA Script that retrieves google chrome cookies and calls aria2c for multithreading download
67,8080dm-freebase-adapterThis Adapter allows you to access any Freebase data with your DataMapper models
67,8080backup_demonBackupDemon is a daemon for backing up directories to an external drive
67,8080rhubarbRhubarb is a simple object-graph persistence library implemented as a mixin. It also w...
67,8080real-growlA Growl notification library that uses native c bindings to interact with GrowlApplicat...