Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182401-182420 of all 183,445 gems.
67,8080activeadmin-axlsxThis gem uses axlsx to provide excel/xlsx downloads for resources in Active Admin. Ofte...
67,8080active-record-binderA Ruby library to ease the process of interfacing with ActiveRecord. Allows to create s...
67,8080asciiartA command line tool to turn images into ASCII art
67,8080dragongoserverThe dragongoserver gem allows you to use the Go Server (http://www.dragongoserver.net) ...
67,8080averagerRubyGem to track long running processes.
67,8080talentbox-docsplitDocsplit is a command-line utility and Ruby library for splitting apart documents i...
67,8080devver-right_http_connectionRightScale's robust HTTP/S connection module
67,8080cielo_assetsProvides basic assets for Cielo form inputs, such as credit card flag icons; a help...
67,8080logposUse binary search to seek a position in logs.
67,8080mytermCommand line interface for customizing iTerm using AppleScript. Creates meaningful, sal...
67,8080picturefill-railsUse picturefill with Rails :)
67,8080rack-twilio-validatorRack Middleware for validating twilio request signatures
67,8080fseventsSimple, usable FSEvents API
67,8080surveyableModels for attaching questions to a survey (polymorphic) and answers to a response (pol...
67,8080path_rulesGenerate path as string from rules.
67,8080css_lintLint your CSS.
67,8080csv_queryCSV Query allows you to run SQL queries against data stored in CSV files.
67,8080mailinator-specmailinator-spec is a library for using mailinator for testing email from rspec and cucu...
67,8080zabbix-ruby-clientA zabbix alternative to zabbix-agent using zabbix-sender.