Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182341-182360 of all 183,445 gems.
67,8080allure-ruby-apiThis is a helper library containing the basics for any ruby-based Allure adaptor.
67,8080errErr lets you switch out error notification apps in a similar way to MultiJSON's parsers.
67,8080class-table-inheritanceActiveRecord plugin designed to allow simple multiple table (class) inheritance.
67,8080chbsPick four random, common words and use them to make a very strong but easy to remember ...
67,8080fluent-plugin-pull_forwardFluentd plugin that store data to be forwarded, and send these when client(input plugin...
67,8080agilebuddy-commaFork of comma with support for nested rows
67,8080motion-objcSimply include Objective-C files in your RubyMotion projects
67,8080doppelgangerDoppelganger helps you to find areas of your code that are good places to refactor. It...
67,8080my_bloody_valentineMyBloodyValentine is a base Rails project
67,8080ruby_tubeSimple Ruby library for uploading and finding YouTube videos.
67,8080rep.jqueryHyperstudio bundle containing 3rd-party jQuery tools
67,8080rails-auditRuns multiple audit and review tools to ensure quality and security of Rails projects
67,8080fttFast Templating Toolkit to harmonize commonly used WordPress Template Tags.
67,8080sketchup_jsonA simple JSON parser/generator suited to be used in Google Sketchup
67,8080fix2factoryA simple tool convert Fixtures into Factory Girl
67,8080full_throttleRedis based throttle mechanism to be used by concurrent background jobs
67,8080bacon-latinA variant to pig latin where we add meat to every morph
67,8080pointyUses Google Directions API to get a list of points between two locations.
67,8080passenger_dynoStore passenger memory usage and other useful statitics in MongoDb. Use passenger...
67,8080ricky-quoteprovides a simple endpoint for your rails app to deliver a fun set of quotes