Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182681-182700 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670salesforceapi-restRuby wrapper to access salesforce rest api
61,3670hybrid_memcachethe summary says it all.
61,3670rapidmango-eventsClient API for events web service
61,3670simple-confSimple configuration library for yml files for loading from the config folder
61,3670soundcloud-authSoundcloudAuth is a Rails plugin gem that provides Single Sign-On capabilities for Rail...
61,3670includejsAdds the ability to include Modules into JavaScript objects
61,3670yahoo-localRuby wrapper for the Yahoo! Local Search API
61,3670alias_helperFor some reason Rails does not appear to easily expose the aliases returned by ActiveSu...
61,3670ppscrSimple utility that PPs the given object to /dev/tty to ensure it gets to the screen
61,3670geokit-rails3-1betaPort of the Rails plugin "geokit-rails" to Rails 3.1.beta1, as a gem
61,3670cloud_search_railsRails integration for CloudSearch
61,3670FooBarWidget-daemon_controllerA library for robust daemon management.
61,3670fotonauts-merb_oauthMerb plugin that integrates the ruby OAuth gem into Merb
61,3670freelancing-god-fakeweb-matcherRSpec matcher for the FakeWeb library
61,3670freelancing-god-garlicLightweight set of rake tasks to help with CI.
61,3670chatops_deployerChatopsDeployer deploys containerized services in isolated VMs and exposes public facin...
61,3670rake-minifyA rake task to minify javascripts and coffeescripts
61,3670declarative_authorization-dtadeclarative_authorization is a Rails plugin for authorization based on readable authori...
61,3670jquery-iframe_auto_resizeJQuery Plugin to auto-resize iFrames from same domain.
61,3670freels-mongrel_proctitleThe mongrel_proctitle Gem