Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182701-182720 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670vicCreate Vim colorschemes with Ruby
61,3670angular-spreeSpree has a lot of moving parts and so does Angular. Take the easy route...
61,3670ditDit is a dotfiles manager that wraps around git and makes dotfiles easy to manage acros...
61,3670rack-skylight-endpointRack middleware to set custom skylight.io endpoints for specific paths.
61,3670arrabiatadead simple conversion of roman <> arabic numerals
61,3670rsdlRSDL is an SDL initialized ruby interpreter which makes SDL applications possible to ru...
61,3670ffi-eflIt covers most of eina, eet, evas, ecore, emap, elementary. Prototypes are extracte...
61,3670common_view_helpersCommon view helpers used by Gemini in most of our applications
61,3670ktheory-right_aws== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...
61,3670eaalEAAL (Eve API Access Layer) is a ruby library for accessing data of the API of the game...
61,3670win32-pipeThe win32-pipe library provides an interface for named pipes on Windows. A named pi...
61,3670flickr_airliftA Command-Line tool for scraping any user's original photos.
61,3670purePure imports aspects of the pure functional paradigm into Ruby.
61,3670vayacondios-clientSimple enough to use in a shell script, performant enough to use everywhere. Dios mío! ...
61,3670rudateRudate gem is used for translate dates from Time object to russian text
61,3670shopify-api-limitsThis gem adds the ability to read shopify API call limits to the ShopifyAPI gem
61,3670tourcmsA simple Ruby wrapper for interacting with the TourCMS API
61,3670radiant-lacquer-extensionMakes Radiant play nice with Varnish through Lacquer!
61,3670array_2d_simpleImplementation of 2D array