Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182761-182780 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670fluent-plugin-sayFluentd output plugin to say something by using 'say' command
61,3670ruby-playerRuby Player - client library for the Player (operation system for robots) in pure Ruby.
61,3670hassleMakes SASS less of a hassle on read-only filesystems by compiling and serving it up for...
61,3670sample_modelsA library for making it extremely fast for Rails developers to set up and save ActiveRe...
61,3670blowerReally simple server orchestration
61,3670radiantcms-couchrest_modelRadiant is a simple and powerful publishing system designed for small teams. It is buil...
61,3670postgresql-weba handy hookable Postgresql web interface
61,3670hive_markupMarkup parser for HiveBBS
61,3670t2etranslatorA english to multi language translator
61,3670ruboty-hiruboty handler to say "hi" to everyone.
61,3670hyperion-apiA Generic Persistence API for Ruby
61,3670user_agent_sanitizerBrowser user agent sanitizer, with a focus on sanitizing mobile phone user agents to br...
61,3670soundgrabA simple gem for grabbing SoundCloud user information
61,3670bitcointoyouUnofficial wrapper for the BitcoinToYou exchange API
61,3670busser-serverspec-clcA Busser runner plugin for Serverspec
61,3670webstractExtract images, favicons, and meta info from websites
61,3670eveA Ruby library for interfacing with all aspects of the EVE Online MMO. It is designed f...
61,3670jquery_pwstrength_bootstrapA small wrapper over jquery.pwstrength.bootstrap library
61,3670edit_modeThe edit mode is activated by pressing an 'edit' button on a show view. This shows addi...
61,3670httpthumbnailerStatless HTTP server that provides API for thumbnailing images with different aspect ra...