Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182741-182760 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670css_gridProvide CSS grid stylesheet and CSS grid helpers
61,3670shutl_railsA gem for using shutl_resources easily in a Rails app
61,3670wijet-launchyLaunchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget ...
61,3670analtexText analysis for Ruby
61,3670commerce_unitsAnother ruby units library for doing dimensional math, this one to be used with rails, ...
61,3670factor-connector-ftpFTP Factor.io Connector
61,3670hls-log-monitorMonitoring nginx hls streams (nginx-rtmp-module)
61,3670indexable_attributeThis adds an indexable attribute to ActiveRecord Models
61,3670lingohubClient library and command-line tool to translate Ruby based apps with lingohub.
61,3670amazon-iap2Verify Amazon in app purchases with IAP 2
61,3670dogenDocuments generator for bash
61,3670eccsvCSV library with advanced error reporting
61,3670ghazel-rack-bugDebugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware
61,3670attr_accessible2strong_paramsAutomatically convert Rails 3 attr_accessible to Rails 4 Strong Parameter
61,3670dynamodb-localWraps installation and usage of the AWS DynamoDB local server tool
61,3670specifyTest and Data Condition DSL for RSpec
61,3670guard-notifier-blink1blink(1) notifier for Guard.
61,3670hourglassHourglass is a simple GUI application for tracking time spent on activities.
61,3670in_place_relationActiveRecord::Relation wrapper that can be modified/combined in place
61,3670simplelogThe simplest logger ever. Just require 'simplelog' and all puts statements are logged t...