Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183141-183160 of all 183,470 gems.
63,4320komandoMost web applications have a lot of before/after hooks that occur when working with obj...
63,4320internet_connectionChecks if the internet connection is on or off. Useful for choosing CDN vs local asset...
63,4320hashblockSometimes you'll want to allow the user to configure a plugin or some other object via ...
63,4320irisMessaging system for Rails (coming soon, not ready yet ;)
63,4320simple-tidyA simple wrapper around the Tidy command line interface (not libtidy-ruby)
63,4320knife-dslA small library that lets you drive Chef's 'knife' programmatically
63,4320admin_fuProvides a basic administration interface for Rails3 applications
63,4320wodifyCheck the GitHub page for a detailed description.
63,4320malcolmxMalcolmX is a gem which allows you to find out if a domain name is available programmat...
63,4320streamly_ffiA streaming Curl/HTTP/REST client for Ruby, in cross-Ruby FFI. Using the CurlFFI RubyGem.
63,4320apn_on_railsAPN on Rails is a Ruby on Rails gem that allows you to easily add Apple Push Notifica...
63,4320fluent-plugin-documentdbAzure DocumentDB output plugin for Fluentd
63,4320gallusEasy to use and insanely powerfull logger for Ruby applications.
63,4320accessorizeSometimes you need to keep rigid logs of who created, updated and even accessed the dat...
63,4320authlogic_cloudfujiCloudfuji support for Authlogic
63,4320chef-relevant-testsOnly run the Chef tests that you need to run
63,4320mongoid_tokenMongoid token is a gem for creating random, unique tokens for mongoid documents. Highly...
63,4320jackal-mailJackal Mail
63,4320codestocklonger description of your gem
63,4320bank_cardGem includes validations, card brand detection method, etc.