Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183161-183180 of all 183,373 gems.
67,5780i18n_attributesA generate model attributes I18n locale files plugin for Rails3.
67,5780sentiqlThis is a work in progress. SentiQL promotes use of SQL for data selection, OM for CUD ...
67,5780importerDefine new objects or modifications of existing ones in external file (xml, csv, etc) a...
67,5780aslakjo-comatoseComatose is a micro CMS designed for being embedded into existing Rails applications.
67,5780capistrano-strategy-copy-bundledBundle all gems in the copy directory and then send it to all servers
67,5780em-http-testEventMachine based, high performance web application load test framework
67,5780ar_queryA utility class for building options for ActiveRecord.find.
67,5780hmstoolsHMSTools provides a Line of Code reader and XFDL compilation/decompilation. These are t...
67,5780pre-johnsonJohnson wraps JavaScript in a loving Ruby embrace. It embeds the Mozilla SpiderMonkey J...
67,5780tor-privoxyMechanize wrapper to work via Tor/Privoxy with endpoint switching ability
67,5780DistelliServiceFrameworkSinatraDistelli Service Framework for Ruby Sinatra based servers
67,5780has_distanceUsed to find nearby records via latitude/longitude
67,5780infinispan-ruby-clientinfinispan-hotrod-client provides native ruby access to the Infinispan Hot Rod API
67,5780dynamic_variableOccasionally a method's behavior should depend on the context in which it is called. Wh...
67,5780workflow-orchestratorA ruby DSL for modeling business logic as Finite State Machines. The aim of this libra...
67,5780expositionA very simple and boring blogging engine for Rails.
67,5780top_box_officeThis gem shows the weekend's top box office movies
67,5780job_queueJobQueue means you don't have to worry about your queue any more!
67,5780handivA gem that provides a client interface for Handiv