Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183101-183120 of all 183,848 gems.
34,7940compass-uiCompass-UI is a jQuery UI theme builder for the Compass CSS Authoring Framework.
34,7940context_aware_scopeAllows to add a context to a named_scope that will be passed through the whole scope chain
34,7940avatareeRuby DSL for Gravatar profile and images
34,7940notification_serverNode notification server integration library for ruby project
34,7940oa-pubcookieOmniauth strategy using pubcookie with special additions for CMU students where informa...
34,7940deprec-coredeprec-core was extracted from the popular deprec gem to make it easier for people to p...
34,7940riffLibrary for reading and writing RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format) files. RIFF is ...
34,7940ruby-stempSecure tempfile extension for Ruby
34,7940fuzzy_searchImplements fuzzy searching for ActiveRecord, using your database's own indexing instead...
34,7940github-creategithub-create helps you setup github repositories for your projects from command-line
34,7940capistrano-syntax-checkingCapistrano extension that adds syntax checks for Ruby, ERB and JavaScript files.
34,7940glennfu-contactsA universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including...
34,7940cruisestatusAllows scripts and applications to check the status of your project's build.
34,7940ffcrm_cloudfujiIntegrates Fat Free CRM with the Cloudfuji hosting platform.
34,7940named_parametersBy including the NamedParameters module into your class/module the 'named_parameters' m...
34,7940pow-indexCreate index page of 37signals-Pow
34,7940provideal-plugin-utilsA small collection of utilities to deal with assets bundled within Rails plugins/engines.
34,7940gamesdbGem for searching thegamesdb.net
34,7940temandoRuby API to Temando - an Australian transport fulfilment broker
34,7940array_groupings[1, 2, 4, 5] #~> [[1, 2], [2, 4], [4, 5]]