Daily Downloads Ranking
Most downloads last day.
183121-183140 of all 183,470 gems.
Rank | Downloads | Name | Summary |
63,432 | 0 | okami | Different features like simple image loading, input check, input listeners, and using s... |
63,432 | 0 | methodize | Module to read from and write to the keys of a ruby Hash using methods |
63,432 | 0 | nifval | Validates a Spanish NIF/CIF/NIE by verifying that the digit control corresponds to the ... |
63,432 | 0 | simple_state_machine | A simple DSL to decorate existing methods with state transition guards. |
63,432 | 0 | simple_mock | A fast, tiny (82 lines) hybrid mocking library that supports classical and partial mock... |
63,432 | 0 | typhoeus_spec_cache | A plugin to help you dynamically manage HTTP caching for your specs. |
63,432 | 0 | mage-hand | mage-hand is a ghostly hand that reaches across the internet to access the Obsidian Por... |
63,432 | 0 | em-files | Sequenced file reader and writer through EventMachine. Solves problem of blocking disk ... |
63,432 | 0 | tuwien_logon | Provides an authentication solution for ruby applications being used at the Vienna Univ... |
63,432 | 0 | async_methods | Gem that adds asynchronous method calls for all methods on every object to aid in throu... |
63,432 | 0 | slim-attributes | Slim attributes boosts speed in Rails/Mysql ActiveRecord Models by avoiding instant... |
63,432 | 0 | wand | Mime-Type gem with fallback to unix file command |
63,432 | 0 | formtastic_leaflet_map_editor_input | Support including a Leaflet map in a Formtastic form. Included Leaflet and Leaflet.draw |
63,432 | 0 | bard-rake | Rake tasks for all bard projects. * Bootstrap projects * Database backup |
63,432 | 0 | capistrano-cowboy | capistrano-cowboy let's you deploy without having to commit to version control. While d... |
63,432 | 0 | vindata | Library which queries vehicle databases such as Edmunds for publicly available vehicle ... |
63,432 | 0 | yournavigation | API wrapper for http://yournavigation.org/ or YOURS project |
63,432 | 0 | base64_attachment | This gem allows you to define `file`-attributes on an active record class which can rec... |
63,432 | 0 | bitcoin_node | Simple node on the p2p bitcoin network |
63,432 | 0 | oauth_adapter | OAuth Adapter provides a simple way that use OAuth request |