Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183181-183200 of all 183,373 gems.
67,5780sinatra-packratPackrat is a Sinantra extension based around the idea of mixing and matching. With Pack...
67,5780tedkulp-freshbooks.rbFreshBooks.rb is a Ruby interface to the FreshBooks API. It exposes easy-to-use classes...
67,5780elb2logstalgiaTranslate AWS ELB logs to Logstalgia custom format.
67,5780ue-ruby-sdkUnificationEngine Ruby SDK as a wrapper over UnificationEngine API
67,5780rtextileRails Textile Editor, includes Textile_Editor_Helper plugin files that have been up...
67,5780StarRezApiThis gem that allows the user access to the StarRez REST Web Services, Reporting, and A...
67,5780capistrano_evrone_recipesCapistrano recipes used in evrone company
67,5780embedifyEmbedify is a ruby gem that parses and returns an embeddable version of a page, sim...
67,5780attachmerb_fuMerb plugin that provides a port of attachment_fu to merb
67,5780scidea-hsfc-policiesHSFC Policies augments standard user profile to include agreements for privacy policy a...
67,5780tableizerAdds the ability to Enumerable to generate tables into different formats
67,5780Cinch-TellLeave a message for someone on IRC who is not in the current channel. They will recieve...
67,5780caserSimple structures for writing actions / use cases
67,5780instrumentalRails instrumentation and client for imperialapp.com
67,5780super-testSuperTest is a Test Domain Specific and Super Language.
67,5780js_messagePass structured json messages between html and a rails application
67,5780soar_idmGeneric implementation of a SOAR Identity management API
67,5780coffeegrindercoffeegrinder was developed by: markbates
67,5780kajabi_themeCommand line tool to help with developing Kajabi themes. Provides some commands detect ...
67,5780dyndropHigh-level library for working with the Dyndrop API.