Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183181-183200 of all 183,470 gems.
63,4320ztrening* API za pristup Z-Trening zadatcima
63,4320latlongFinds coordinates by address
63,4320bloodhoundMap strings like 'user:foca age:23' to ActiveRecord named_scopes
63,4320castanautCastanaut lets you write executable scripts for screencasts.
63,4320calabash_drishyamThis gem is useful for inspecting the objects generated by Calabash) in the view port o...
63,4320darmani_game56A Darmani game
63,4320bcbc is a Ruby interface to bitcoind.
63,4320synqaSynqa syncs files from a local directory to a remote directory using an SSH connection....
63,4320haltStandard error handling for Rails applications. Inspired by a little method in Sinatra.
63,4320neo4apis-twitterA ruby gem using neo4apis to make importing twitter data to neo4j easy
63,4320http_downloaderA simple and lightweight library to download content over HTTP. Supports http redirects...
63,4320citygrid_apiRuby wrapper for CityGrid APIs
63,4320ensured_schemaSmarter migrations
63,4320mundo-pepinoMundoPepino is a set of reusable step definitions to test Rails apps with Cucumber
63,4320git-dropboxGem mirrors your git repositorys in dropbox folder
63,4320akephalos-2sHeadless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara
63,4320tassadarPure ruby MPQ and SC2 Replay parser
63,4320MusicMasterCommand line tool handling steps to deliver music album masters from recordings. Handle...
63,4320ucb_ldapConvenience classes for interacing with UCB's LDAP directory
63,4320sinatra-cometioComet component for Sinatra RocketIO