Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183301-183320 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670clio-gcal4rubyA full featured wrapper for interacting with the Google Calendar API
61,3670bumpsparkGenerates transparent PNG and Data URI bumpspark-style sparklines. Use from Ruby direct...
61,3670rsenceRSence is a different and unique development model and software frameworks designed fir...
61,3670vtigerUse to access vtiger crm system from ruby.
61,3670puppet-forge-serverPrivate Puppet forge server supports local files, both v1 and v3 API proxies
61,3670scrivito_three_column_widgetThis Widget allows you to use a three-column layout and fill it with widgets.
61,3670shunt_cacheMark the site status in a cache
61,3670table_saltProvides ActiveRecord like functionality without a backing database table.
61,3670rl_hiya_abHiya world gem
61,3670asset_fingerprinterThe most efficient HTTP cache buster plugin evar.
61,3670rostraDon't use. Not production ready
61,3670bookshopbookshop is an agile book publishing framework for building pdf and (e)books using HTML...
61,3670cutepNormal "p" only outputs the specified variables, etc. However, during programming, you ...
61,3670webgen-content_processor_emoticon-bundleThis bundle adds a content processor for converting text emoticons into image emoticons...
61,3670ruby_on_etagsRuby on ETags is a tool to help a developer keep TAGS file up to date.
61,3670copierA clipboard manager on arbitrary platforms
61,3670aws-pricingSimpler interface to AWS pricing data
61,3670fullstack-adminAdministration interface framework for fullstack
61,3670active_merchant_idealiDEAL payment gateway for ActiveMerchant (see http://www.ideal.nl and http://www.active...
61,3670cassandra-mavericksA Ruby client for the Cassandra distributed database.