Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183241-183260 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670jrqCLI json processor for Rubyists. jrq enable you to filter/map/reduce json without study...
61,3670euston-eventstoreRuby port for Jonathan Oliver's EventStore. See https://github.com/joliver/EventStore f...
61,3670vagrant-rancherVagrant plugin to install a Rancher server and agents on all Vagrant guests.
61,3670docapiRDoc template for generating API documentation.
61,3670ecm_rbac_backendEcm::Rbac::Backend Module.
61,3670wes-cloudkitThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
61,3670bd_moneyThis library makes it easier to deal with Money values, storing them as BigDecimal to a...
61,3670gmailerAn class interface of the Google's webmail service
61,3670sdoc_allWARNING: sdoc_all is no longer maintained, try doc gem. Command line tool to get docum...
61,3670android-servicesThe gem aims to provide an API for google services including google play which interact...
61,3670ten_hs_serverAPI wrapper around the (crappy) tenHsServer Homeseer HS2 plugin.
61,3670active_record-tableless_modelSimplify creating ActiveRecord clases which don't need a database table
61,3670asset_precompilation_finderSets the Rails asset precompilation path to compile everything except partials, and com...
61,3670gardelea-awesome_printGreat Ruby dubugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure....
61,3670activemdbIntended for exploration and migration, not production. And it's *READ ONLY*, so don't ...
61,3670psiqueStyle Guide in sass ready for Emergia's apps Rails.
61,3670block_headBlockHead provides an interceptor that can be used to restrict emails sent from a Rails...
61,3670ruby_breakerNot productive gem.
61,3670github_cliCLI-based access to GitHub API v3
61,3670hudson-remote-apiConnect to Hudson's remote web API