Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183321-183340 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670instavinProvides a ruby interface for the instaVIN's API. Read more about it here: http://www.b...
61,3670ar_attr_lazyA little gem for Rails that provides the ability to specify attributes that will not be...
61,3670kibibyte units
61,3670sumskyi-bluepillBluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...
61,3670compass-treesaver-pluginA Compass plugin to provide basic styles for treesaver.js.
61,3670resque-statsIf you want to graph the workload created by your different Resque jobs, extend them wi...
61,3670rabbit-slide-kunitoo-oedo042014/04/19 に行われた大江戸Ruby会議04で"1年かけて1つのgemを作りました"というタイトルで発表した資料です。rgitlog の話をしました。
61,3670decisiontree_nID3-based implementation of the M.L. Decision Tree algorithm
61,3670delayed_job_data_mapper_steDataMapper backend for delayed_job
61,3670darshanRuby binding to ANL's Darshan library for HPC I/O tracing and analysis
61,3670aritcaptchaArithmetic Captcha
61,3670comment_testerWrite and run tests from your code comments
61,3670impalerWrapper around Impala and Hive gems
61,3670develRails Developer Essential Gem
61,3670cms-liteCMS gem that makes it simple to interact with your content developers by serving pages ...
61,3670time_limitsApply timeouts to methods via meta programming
61,3670active_eventContains commands, events, validations for Rails Disco. Commands are used to trans...
61,3670ruby_ucpRuby library implementation of EMI/UCP protocol v4.6 for SMS
61,3670add_thisSimple API connector for getting analytic data from AddThis
61,3670appoxy_sessionsAppoxy Sessions gem description...