Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
61-80 of all 600 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
61+1,1936521,845graphlytecraft graphql queries with ruby
62+1,1883601,548rspec-parameterized-table_syntaxRSpec::Parameterized supports simple parameterized test syntax in rspec.
63+1,1853571,542rspec-parameterized-coreRSpec::Parameterized supports simple parameterized test syntax in rspec.
63+1,1852551,440rack-sessionA session implementation for Rack.
65+1,1784361,614google-apis-monitoring_v3This is the simple REST client for Cloud Monitoring API V3. Simple REST clients are Rub...
66+1,1777691,946opentelemetry-instrumentation-http_clientHttpClient instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
66+1,1774381,615google-apis-pubsub_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud Pub/Sub API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby c...
68+1,1758522,027karafka-coreA toolset of small support modules used throughout the Karafka ecosystem
68+1,1756921,867protocolThis library offers an implementation of protocols against which you can check the conf...
70+1,1665931,759expgenGenerate random strings from regular expression
71+1,1657661,931opentelemetry-instrumentation-httpHTTP instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
72+1,1587761,934opentelemetry-instrumentation-graphqlGraphQL instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
73+1,1574551,612google-apis-compute_v1This is the simple REST client for Compute Engine API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby ...
73+1,1574371,594google-apis-dns_v1This is the simple REST client for Cloud DNS API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby clien...
73+1,1574631,620google-apis-sqladmin_v1beta4This is the simple REST client for Cloud SQL Admin API V1beta4. Simple REST clients are...
76+1,1426511,793dry-cliCommon framework to build command line interfaces with Ruby
77+1,1287801,908opentelemetry-instrumentation-ethonEthon instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
78+1,1205721,692rackupA general server command for Rack applications.
79+1,1105811,691aliyun-sdkA Ruby program to facilitate accessing Aliyun Object Storage Service
80+1,1052441,349gitlab-fog-azure-rmThis is a stripped-down fork of fog-azure-rm that enables Azure Blob Storage to be used...