Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
81-100 of all 500 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
81+1,0763011,377fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-logsCloudWatch Logs Plugin for Fluentd
82+1,0733641,437opensearch-rubyOpenSearch Ruby is a Ruby client for OpenSearch. You can use the client to execute Open...
83+1,0667121,778opentelemetry-instrumentation-baseInstrumentation Base for the OpenTelemetry framework
84+1,0553321,387rubocop-factory_botCode style checking for factory_bot files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcin...
85+1,0451911,236fluent-plugin-prometheusA fluent plugin that collects metrics and exposes for Prometheus.
86+1,0382781,316stringioPseudo `IO` class from/to `String`.
87+1,0327371,769ruby-openaiOpenAI API + Ruby! 🤖❤️
88+1,0193171,336turbo-railsThe speed of a single-page web application without having to write any JavaScript.
89+1,0127261,738rbiRBI generation framework
90+1,0019191,920opentelemetry-instrumentation-sidekiqSidekiq instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
91+1,0009001,900opentelemetry-instrumentation-redisRedis instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
92+9786431,621azure-coreMicrosoft Azure Client Core Library for Ruby SDK
93+9698421,811opentelemetry-instrumentation-rackRack instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
94+9272031,130fluent-plugin-kafkaFluentd plugin for Apache Kafka > 0.8
95+9241761,100fluent-plugin-grafana-lokiOutput plugin to ship logs to a Grafana Loki server
96+9193291,248downRobust streaming downloads using Net::HTTP, HTTP.rb or wget.
97+9069291,835snmpA Ruby implementation of SNMP (the Simple Network Management Protocol).
98+9014191,320cucumber-html-formatterHTML formatter for Cucumber
99+8998891,788postmarkUse this gem to send emails through Postmark HTTP API and retrieve info about bounces.
100+8966451,541dnsrubyDnsruby is a pure Ruby DNS client library which implements a stub resolver. It aims to ...