Elohanlon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,2587,477cul_scv_hydraHydra implementations for CUL repository apps
213,5048,055cul_hydraHydra implementations for CUL repository apps
324,63578,154uri_serviceA service for registering local URIs and performing both local and remote URI lookups.
425,07711,363capistrano-culCommon capistrano tasks shared across projects at CUL
527,98278,154imogenIIIF image derivative generation helpers for Vips
655,56320,644best_typeA library for selecting the best mime type or dc type for a file.
764,77945,714ruboculRecommended Rubocop configuration for Ruby projects created by the Columbia University ...
866,25257,499json_csvA library for converting json to csv...and back!
980,72030,793cul_hydra_modelsHydra models for CUL repository apps.
10152,09078,154wowza-secure_tokenGenerate secure token prefix for wowza requests and allow configurable defaults (e.g., ...
11159,33357,499cul-ldapCommon queries of CU's LDAP server
12169,23478,154uri_service-clientSimple Ruby wrapper around the UriService API.
13180,75978,154omniauth-culA devise omniauth adapter for Rails apps, using Columbia University authentication.