Myronmarston's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11039rspec-expectationsrspec-expectations provides a simple, readable API to express expected outcomes of a co...
21237rspec-coreBDD for Ruby. RSpec runner and example groups.
31336rspec-mocksRSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking
41534rspec-supportSupport utilities for RSpec gems
52360rspecBDD for Ruby
6115143rspec-railsrspec-rails is a testing framework for Rails 5+.
7121140webmockWebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests.
8305318vcrRecord your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for ...
9408660rspec-itsRSpec extension gem for attribute matching
10944928rspec-collection_matchersCollection cardinality matchers, extracted from rspec-expectations
111,4201,472rspec-activemodel-mocksRSpec test doubles for ActiveModel and ActiveRecord
121,4621,556activerecord-nulldb-adapterA database backend that translates database interactions into no-ops. Using NullDB enab...
133,7508,373rspec-legacy_formattersSupport for RSpec 2.x formatters on 3.x
143,7873,138mail_safeMail safe provides a safety net while you're developing an application that uses Action...
158,0804,159rspec-autotestRSpec Autotest integration
169,2216,069test_benchmarkerA tool for benchmarking ruby Test::Unit tests.
1710,34085,863qless`qless` is meant to be a performant alternative to other queueing systems, with statist...
1811,48660,164interpolInterpol is a toolkit for working with API endpoint definition files, giving you a stub...
1913,97385,863rippleripple is an object-mapper library for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It use...
2026,89985,863rack-authenticateA rack middleware that authenticates requests either using basic auth or via signed HMAC.
2133,22585,863seomoz-e20_ops_middlewareAdds middleware for debugging purposes
2238,52238,253rspec-print_failures_eagerlyTweaks the built-in RSpec formatters to cause failures to be printed immediately when t...
2347,23685,863factory_data_preloaderA library for preloading test data in rails applications.
2460,53538,253uri_parserParses and normalizes URIs very quickly, using Google's URI canonicalization library
2573,10185,863email_blacklistBlacklist particular email addresses so ActionMailer doesn't deliver emails to them.
2680,87249,460column_timestampsWorks "automagically" like updated_at...just add a column named _updated_at, an...
27102,17885,863plinesPlines sits on top of Qless and makes it easy to define and run a pipeline of jobs.
28117,51185,863foo_gemWrite a gem description
29120,77285,863myronmarston-rack-clientA client wrapper around a Rack app or HTTP
30122,95960,164wp_validatorsCurrently includes a URL validator.
31127,03785,863rack-rekonProxies rekon as a rack app so you can include it in your rack-based riak application.
32127,42185,863qless-growlGet Growl notifications for jobs you're tracking in your qless queue.
33127,55085,863qless-campfireGet Campfire notifications for jobs you're tracking in your qless queue.
34129,44385,863seomoz-json-schemaRuby JSON Schema Validator
35156,44060,164seomoz-rippleripple is an object-mapper library for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It use...
36160,57660,164seomoz-riak-clientriak-client is a rich client for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It supports t...