Myronmarston's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11348rspec-expectationsrspec-expectations provides a simple, readable API to express expected outcomes of a co...
21446rspec-coreBDD for Ruby. RSpec runner and example groups.
31547rspec-mocksRSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking
41643rspec-supportSupport utilities for RSpec gems
52578rspecBDD for Ruby
6116183rspec-railsrspec-rails integrates the Rails testing helpers into RSpec.
7120169webmockWebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests.
8305568vcrRecord your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for ...
94351,189rspec-itsRSpec extension gem for attribute matching
109761,386rspec-collection_matchersCollection cardinality matchers, extracted from rspec-expectations
111,4681,649rspec-activemodel-mocksRSpec test doubles for ActiveModel and ActiveRecord
121,5231,904activerecord-nulldb-adapterA database backend that translates database interactions into no-ops. Using NullDB enab...
133,8183,921mail_safeMail safe provides a safety net while you're developing an application that uses Action...
143,9646,750rspec-legacy_formattersSupport for RSpec 2.x formatters on 3.x
158,15923,402rspec-autotestRSpec Autotest integration
169,46341,086test_benchmarkerA tool for benchmarking ruby Test::Unit tests.
1710,86961,367qless`qless` is meant to be a performant alternative to other queueing systems, with statist...
1811,95761,367interpolInterpol is a toolkit for working with API endpoint definition files, giving you a stub...
1914,61361,367rippleripple is an object-mapper library for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It use...
2027,89061,367rack-authenticateA rack middleware that authenticates requests either using basic auth or via signed HMAC.
2134,67061,367seomoz-e20_ops_middlewareAdds middleware for debugging purposes
2234,83661,367rspec-print_failures_eagerlyTweaks the built-in RSpec formatters to cause failures to be printed immediately when t...
2348,48361,367factory_data_preloaderA library for preloading test data in rails applications.
2461,73941,086uri_parserParses and normalizes URIs very quickly, using Google's URI canonicalization library
2574,79361,367email_blacklistBlacklist particular email addresses so ActionMailer doesn't deliver emails to them.
2682,40261,367column_timestampsWorks "automagically" like updated_at...just add a column named _updated_at, an...
27103,33761,367plinesPlines sits on top of Qless and makes it easy to define and run a pipeline of jobs.
28119,18461,367foo_gemWrite a gem description
29122,28641,086myronmarston-rack-clientA client wrapper around a Rack app or HTTP
30124,56261,367wp_validatorsCurrently includes a URL validator.
31128,75061,367rack-rekonProxies rekon as a rack app so you can include it in your rack-based riak application.
32128,85461,367qless-growlGet Growl notifications for jobs you're tracking in your qless queue.
33129,04861,367qless-campfireGet Campfire notifications for jobs you're tracking in your qless queue.
34130,97961,367seomoz-json-schemaRuby JSON Schema Validator
35158,12261,367seomoz-rippleripple is an object-mapper library for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It use...
36162,55561,367seomoz-riak-clientriak-client is a rich client for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It supports t...
37174,75541,086elasticgraph-schema_artifactsElasticGraph gem containing code related to generated schema artifacts.
38174,91941,086elasticgraph-supportElasticGraph gem providing support utilities to the other ElasticGraph gems.
39175,22133,893elasticgraph-datastore_coreElasticGraph gem containing the core datastore support types and logic.
40175,50961,367elasticgraph-graphqlThe ElasticGraph GraphQL query engine.
41175,58961,367elasticgraph-localProvides support for developing and running ElasticGraph applications locally.
42175,62841,086elasticgraph-opensearchWraps the OpenSearch client for use by ElasticGraph.
43175,64241,086elasticgraph-json_schemaElasticGraph gem that provides JSON Schema validation.
44175,72461,367elasticgraph-indexerElasticGraph gem that provides APIs to robustly index data into a datastore.
45175,81441,086elasticgraph-lambda_supportElasticGraph gem that supports running ElasticGraph using AWS Lambda.
46175,83741,086elasticgraph-schema_definitionElasticGraph gem that provides the schema definition API and generates schema artifacts.
47175,90761,367elasticgraph-rackElasticGraph gem for serving an ElasticGraph GraphQL endpoint using rack.
48175,94561,367elasticgraph-adminElasticGraph gem that provides datastore administrative tasks, to keep a datastore up-t...
49176,02541,086elasticgraphElasticGraph meta-gem that pulls in all the core ElasticGraph gems.
50176,04861,367elasticgraph-elasticsearchWraps the Elasticsearch client for use by ElasticGraph.
51176,05161,367elasticgraph-query_interceptorAn ElasticGraph extension for intercepting datastore queries.
52176,07361,367elasticgraph-query_registryAn ElasticGraph extension that supports safer schema evolution by limiting GraphQL quer...
53176,08133,893elasticgraph-indexer_lambdaProvides an AWS Lambda interface for an elasticgraph API
54176,09961,367elasticgraph-apolloAn ElasticGraph extension that implements the Apollo federation spec.
55176,12161,367elasticgraph-indexer_autoscaler_lambdaElasticGraph gem that monitors OpenSearch CPU utilization to autoscale indexer lambda c...
56176,12561,367elasticgraph-graphql_lambdaElasticGraph gem that wraps elasticgraph-graphql in an AWS Lambda.
57176,14761,367elasticgraph-health_checkAn ElasticGraph extension that provides a health check for high availability deployments.
58176,22561,367elasticgraph-admin_lambdaElasticGraph gem that wraps elasticgraph-admin in an AWS Lambda.