Jrochkind's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8951,681content_dispositionRuby gem to create HTTP Content-Disposition headers with proper escaping/encoding of fi...
22,1032,559dig_rbArray/Hash/Struct#dig backfill for ruby
32,1412,478rsolrRSolr aims to provide a simple and extensible library for working with Solr
42,8716,338scrub_rbPure-ruby polyfill of MRI 2.1 String#scrub, for ruby 1.9 and 2.0 any interpreter
53,9005,093unidecoderA port of Perl's Unidecoder to Ruby. Transliterates Unicode strings to an ASCII approxi...
64,0265,775active-fedoraActiveFedora provides for creating and managing objects in the Fedora Repository Archit...
74,5465,067blacklightBlacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...
85,6443,529attr_jsonActiveRecord attributes stored serialized in a json column, super smooth. Typed and cas...
95,77611,164hydra-headHydra-Head is a Rails Engine containing the core code for a Hydra application.
105,8667,822oaiA ruby library for working with the Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harve...
116,0177,280marcA ruby library for working with Machine Readable Cataloging
126,2227,963hydra-access-controlsAccess controls for project hydra
136,27710,985hydra-coreHydra-Head is a Rails Engine containing the core code for a Hydra application. The full...
147,12710,532solrizerUse solrizer to populate solr indexes. You can run solrizer from within your app, usin...
157,34260,350omOM (Opinionated Metadata): A library to help you tame sprawling XML schemas like MODS. ...
167,68815,236confstructA simple, hash/struct-based configuration object
177,89112,273browse-everythingAJAX/Rails engine file browser for cloud storage services
188,29510,532rubydoraFedora Commons REST API ruby library
198,29710,014ldpLinked Data Platform client library
208,35411,577hydra-derivativesDerivative generation plugin for hydra
218,44212,162hydra-editorA basic metadata editor for hydra-head
228,49110,870qaProvides a set of uniform RESTful routes to query any controlled vocabulary or set of a...
238,55460,350hydraProject Hydra Stack Dependencies
248,64211,851hydra-file_characterizationTo provide a wrapper for file characterization
258,75312,090hydra-worksUsing this data model should enable easy collaboration amongst Samvera projects.
268,91319,640jettywrapperSpin up a jetty instance (e.g., the one at https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-jetty)...
279,56510,411blacklight_range_limitBlacklight Range Limit plugin
289,71011,502hydra-pcdmPortland Common Data Model (PCDM)
299,74111,577blacklight_advanced_searchBlacklight Advanced Search plugin
309,85910,483active_encodeThis gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic T...
319,8759,668trajectAn easy to use, high-performance, flexible and extensible metadata transformation syste...
3210,0858,778iiif_manifestIIIF http://iiif.io/ defines an API for presenting related images in a viewer. This tra...
3310,21119,053hyraxHyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...
3410,73810,231sufiaSufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repo...
3510,76414,607formatted_rails_loggerFormatting capabilities for Rails BufferedLogger
3611,46510,113bixbyA Style Configuration for RuboCop
3711,82410,718noid-railsNoid identifier services for Rails-based applications.
3812,01660,350curation_concernsA Rails Engine that allows an application to CRUD CurationConcern objects (a.k.a. "Works")
3912,17210,368rack_request_blockerHandle race conditions in Rails JS feature tests caused by outstanding overlapping acti...
4012,34911,756sufia-modelsModels and services for sufia
4112,40212,973ensure_valid_encodingFor ruby 1.9 strings, replace bad bytes in given encoding with replacement strings, _or...
4212,47413,564ipaddr_range_setconvenience class to create a set of possibly discontiguous IP address range segments, ...
4312,88585,057hydra-collectionsA rails engine for managing Hydra Collections
4412,99515,745openurla Ruby library to create, parse and use NISO Z39.88 OpenURLs
4513,01015,745samvera-nesting_indexerSamvera nested collections indexing
4613,01511,425umlautFor Libraries, a just-in-time last-mile service aggregator, taking OpenURL input
4713,4119,141iiif-image-apiRuby APIs for working with IIIF
4813,46216,585active_fedora-noidNoid identifier services for ActiveFedora-based applications.
4914,32111,502ldpathRuby implementation of LDPath
5015,01685,057hydra-batch-editRails engine to do batch editing with curation_concerns
5115,40319,053hydra-role-managementRails engine to do user roles in an RDBMS for hydra-head
5216,85085,057bento_searchAn abstraction/normalization layer for querying and displaying results for external sea...
5317,63119,640active_fedora-registered_attributesAn ActiveFedora extension for registring attributes
5418,31760,350hydra-remote_identifierHandles the registration and minting of remote identifiers (i.e. DOI, ARK, ORCID)
5518,54685,057hydra-pbcoreA Hydra gem that offers PBCore datastream definitions using OM
5619,19816,002solrizer-fedoraAn extension to projecthydra/solrizer that provides utilities for loading objects from ...
5719,50285,057cap_git_toolsre-usable, composable Capistrano tasks for git tagging and other work with a git repo
5820,45760,350fcrepo_adminA Rails engine for administrative access to a Fedora Commons repository based on the Hy...
5920,63916,921curateA data curation Ruby on Rails engine built on Hydra and Sufia
6025,78360,350blacklight_cqlBlacklight CQL plugin
6126,17515,008activefedora-aggregationAggregations for active-fedora
6226,75985,057hydra-tutorialTutorial that works through setting up a hydra head
6326,94118,064traject_horizonHorizon ILS MARC Exporter, a plugin for the traject tool
6428,15585,057borrow_directRuby tools for interacting with the Borrow Direct consortial services
6529,17785,057hybagA Hydra gem for adding BagIt functionality to ActiveFedora models.
6629,94485,057fedora_lensA client for Fedora Commons Repository (fcrepo) version 4
6730,25221,757kitheShareable tools/components for building a digital collections app in Rails.
6830,80030,355active_fedora_relsintActiveFedora library to allow use of RELS-INT to track RDF assertions about datastreams...
6931,85385,057geo_concernsRails engine for Hydra Geo models. Built around Curation Concerns engine.
7032,88621,012curation_concerns-modelsAn extensible repository data-model with works and and many attached files
7133,18185,057orcidA Rails engine for orcid.org integration.
7234,16121,012active_fedora-datastreamsXML and RDF datastreams for ActiveFedora
7334,42660,350blacklight_marcMARC support for Blacklight
7435,0149,478faster_s3_urlGenerate public and presigned AWS S3 GET URLs faster
7536,88285,057hydra-validationsValidations for Hydra applications, based on ActiveModel::Validations
7639,02760,350cql-rubyCQL Parser, with serialization from cql node tree to cql, xcql, and solr query
7740,50285,057geomashParse string for potential geographic matches and return that data along with the TGN I...
7841,99585,057fedora-migrateMigrates data (models, datastreams, content) from a Fedora3 repository to Fedora4
7943,33848,717marc-marc4jProvides converters (and bundled jar files if you don't already have your own) to conve...
8043,98522,697lcsortSort-order-normalize Library of Congress call numbers and determine search ranges for l...
8144,71885,057hydra-modsHydra MODS components split out from hydra-head
8254,48728,296worthwhileA self-deposit system with works and and many attached files
8354,91485,057hydra-ldapA gem for managing groups with ldap
8455,57260,350chosen_assetsChosen is a javascript library of select box enhancer for jQuery and Protoype. This gem...
8560,53533,201traject-marc4j_readerAllows jruby users to leverage marc-marc4j to use marc4j as a reader under traject.
8661,08433,201hydra-migrateSimple migrations for Hydra objects
8764,09430,355umlaut_borrow_directUmlaut plugin for BorrowDirect linking
8871,84085,057lazy_global_recordLazy loading of 'interesting' ActiveRecord model id's, thread-safely and with easy cach...
8973,65685,057geo_worksRails engine for Hydra Geo models. Built around the Hyrax engine.
9074,30185,057linked_vocabsLinked Data Controlled Vocabularies for ActiveFedora::Rdf.
9180,28933,201solidus_mailchimp_syncSolidus -> Mailchimp Ecommerce synchronization
9283,21841,927share_notifyProvides basic API integration with ShareNotify
9383,76636,846traject_sequel_writerPlug-in for traject, write to an rdbms with Sequel gem
94102,63785,057huborgMake changes to Organization Repositories en-masse.
95114,94385,057rails_stackviewTools for integrating the stackview browsing JS UI with Rails
96129,70385,057order_upBackend agnostic queuing implementation
97138,88060,350single_use_linksDescription of SingleUseLinks.
98154,00060,350umlaut_journal_tocsUmlaut plugin for Recent Articles display from JournalTocs
99155,35585,057html_aware_truncationYet another ruby html-aware truncation routine
100161,97985,057hydra-grouperThe long awaited separation of groups and roles for Project Hydra.