1 | 93 | 106 | dotenv | Loads environment variables from `.env`. |
2 | 257 | 281 | dotenv-rails | Autoload dotenv in Rails. |
3 | 6,097 | 11,448 | grim | Grim is a simple gem for extracting a page from a pdf and converting it to an image as ... |
4 | 8,570 | 41,916 | omniauth-github-team-member | OmniAuth strategy for GitHub Team Auth. |
5 | 36,800 | 30,305 | elasticsearch-client | ElasticSearch ruby client. |
6 | 41,292 | 63,432 | arca | Arca is a callback analyzer for ActiveRecord ideally suited for digging yourself out of... |
7 | 43,877 | 63,432 | adapter-elasticsearch | Adapter for ElasticSearch |
8 | 54,989 | 63,432 | csv2md | Convert csv into a GitHub Flavored Markdown table |
9 | 82,437 | 63,432 | yara-ffi | Use libyara from Ruby via ffi bindings. |
10 | 110,757 | 63,432 | lsi | Interactively operate on a list. |
11 | 126,991 | 63,432 | twelve | A complete, simple, and intuitive ruby API for all things Gauges. |
12 | 128,085 | 63,432 | kayakfares | Library to return fares from the Kayak Search Gateway using Mechanize. |
13 | 152,656 | 63,432 | tardotgz | Methods for creating, reading, and extracting gzipped tarballs. |