Jonmagic's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
193106dotenvLoads environment variables from `.env`.
2257281dotenv-railsAutoload dotenv in Rails.
36,09711,448grimGrim is a simple gem for extracting a page from a pdf and converting it to an image as ...
48,57041,916omniauth-github-team-memberOmniAuth strategy for GitHub Team Auth.
536,80030,305elasticsearch-clientElasticSearch ruby client.
641,29263,432arcaArca is a callback analyzer for ActiveRecord ideally suited for digging yourself out of...
743,87763,432adapter-elasticsearchAdapter for ElasticSearch
854,98963,432csv2mdConvert csv into a GitHub Flavored Markdown table
982,43763,432yara-ffiUse libyara from Ruby via ffi bindings.
10110,75763,432lsiInteractively operate on a list.
11126,99163,432twelveA complete, simple, and intuitive ruby API for all things Gauges.
12128,08563,432kayakfaresLibrary to return fares from the Kayak Search Gateway using Mechanize.
13152,65663,432tardotgzMethods for creating, reading, and extracting gzipped tarballs.