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152661-152680 of all 180,488 gems.
152,6593,111spree_product_documentsCurrently supports PDF and ZIP files
152,6593,111picturefill_railsRails wrapper for picturefill.
152,6593,111jquery_format_date_time_railsRails port of jquery.formatDateTime. Works by just including in application.js.erb
152,6593,111fias_readerFIAS reader
152,6593,111sluggable_ryanThe best sluggable gem ever
152,6593,111cstimer_analyser_cliGain insights into how you have improved over time. Has graphs, histograms, and other f...
152,6593,111riemann-sqs-metricsGets SQS metrics and report results back to riemann
152,6593,111sensu-plugins-plivoSensu plugins for plivo
152,6593,111readable_date_rangesAdd readable range selections to Active Record Models
152,6593,111widgets-api-clientWigets Api Client Wrapper
152,6593,111hellomicA simple hello world gem
152,6593,111s3_cleanerKeeps n releases in S3
152,6593,111oauth2_hmac_railsAuthorization server 'Rails Engine' for Oauth2 HMac Draft 01.
152,6593,111matchapiMatchapi Description
152,6593,111happyappsProvides methods to query and update data sets within API
152,6593,111juxtaparssionatejuxtaparssionate parses and compares job postings from various popular job boards. By c...
152,6593,111r5_fogThe Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...
152,6783,110remote_zipZip is written to a tempfile and its content to a directory n...
152,6783,110dialmycalls_clientThis gem maps to the DialMyCalls API
152,6783,110billableBillable takes a list of timestamps and calculates a total billable amount